zaterdag 2 juni 2018

MissionLife #62 Spiritual blast

Maandag 7 mei 2018


 This week was amazing!! Wednesday wow.. Justin bought a hammick (hangmat) for me. So we picked that up and then we asked him if he would pray for us so we could find people that are prepared by God. And then there was this man. He was kinda like a creeper, but Justin just treated him with so much love. The man told us that he wanted to change his life. Justin asked if he is using drugs and he said yes. Justin testified that he has probably used more drugs in his life than whole of Suriname + half of Amsterdam. ' But look at me. I'm old, and I'm happy'. He testified that the man could change that we (the angels) could help him with that. It was such an amazing spiritual experience. Without Justin we would've tried to get away from that man, but because of him we stayed and we shared our testimonies of Christ. 

We were on exchanges Friday. Zr Woolsey was here. It was a hard day. I felt prompted to stop by a less active in the morning. He was home and we had a beautiful lesson. It started pouring rain when we were there, but when we left it was nice and sunny. We contacted for a little bit. Found 1 man that was interested. Then in the afternoon we tried formers... No one. Then we contacted... No one. Then I saw a lady. She was getting into her car but she was just standing there. I wanted to talk to her. SHE WAS AMAZING. She gave us manja's (mango's). She said that we could come back Tuesday. Then later we met Josta. She let us in right away and we had a lesson with her. She felt the Spirit and invited us back. 
My testimony of the importance of members grew. Thursday we had an appointment with a young woman, A. We asked Amisha to come. She came, but A. wasn't there. She told us to call her again when we need her. So Saturday morning we went to A. again. We asked Amisha to come. We were at A. and she wasn't there. Amisha called to ask if the appointment was still good. We told her she wasn't there. Right when we hung up A. walked out and asked if we could come back in 30 minutes. So we called Allicha and she said she would come. We had a really spiritual lesson. We left and Amisha stayed to talk to her more. Then we called A. that night to ask if she could come to church and her mom said that she could come if we picked her up. We asked if it would be okay if someone else picked her up, but she didn't want that. Then we asked if it would be okay if it would be okay if Amisha would pick her up with her family. She agreed. The next day A.came to church and the AbdoelHamid family was a great support. All the elders though t A.was Amisha's friend. Zr. AbdoelHamid explained everything and just fellowshipped her and Amisha too. It was so great 
to see how all these things worked out. I know it was God. Church was a great happy experience.

I know this church is true. I know God loves me. He is there every step of the way. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

I love you all!!

Zuster Spijkerman

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