woensdag 20 juni 2018

Mission Life # 68 Finding the elect

Maandag, 18 juni 2018

What a week... An awesome week! 

Monday we had zone activity and we watched the best two years. So awesome!  

Tuesday we were on our way to district meeting. We were gonna watch the Be one celebration with the whole zone. Sister Didier's tire was a little flat so we pumped it up. Took a while. But then when we were biking again, my chain fell off. We were the ones with the celebration on our flashdrive. Putting my chain on again would take too long. So we walked somewhere and the senior couple and some elders picked us up. 

But the celebration was so awesome!! I can recognize some of the things from Suriname! And it just reminded me of the time I was in the blackgospel choir with school. And when we sang Baba Yetu with the Stake choir. My testimony was strengthened of the priesthood. We need it for our salvation. Someone said that the veil is breaking or is getting thinner. Which means Jesus Christ is coming closer and closer! I know President Nelson is the prophet. He wants us to be ONE!!! "and if ye are not one ye are not mine"  (DC 38:27).

On Thursday morning we went to our appointment but the lady wasn't there. We talked to all the people around there already. At least I thought. 
But sister Didier said 'we should talk to her'. So we tried but it was a lady we already talked to 2 of 3 times before. But she said that she is really happy every time she sees us. So that made me feel good haha. This day was amazing. I've been praying a lot you know,  and  I knew we had to find more people. And we had an hour of power and we went to this apartment building and talked to everyone there. We talked to a guy, Giovanni. We talked about the Restoration and eventually he sat down and really listened. He told us he visited some other churches, but he wants more. He lives with his mom. He was born in Rotterdam, but his mom wanted to move back to Suriname so he went with her to take care of her. I know he is ready to hear the gospel. He also saw us doing service for a random guy who was weeding his garden. I know we did the service so Giovanni could see that we are servants of the Lord. 

I went on exchanges on Friday with sister Woolsey! She is an amazing sister missionary and I learned a lot. We were at the same street as the Jehova Witness at the same time. Fun things. They were nice though. Tried to talk to a lady but she just yelled at us, that we were liars and stuff. When she would finally let us talk we testified of Christ and of God. Told her she's a child of God, but she forgot. It was a cool experience actually. We had some awesome lessons totally guided by the Spirit. In the evening we had a meeting and I had the chance to see some members. I was so happy!! I took a picture with them. I love them so much. They said that I'm welcome to come back haha. Well who knows! We have transfer calls this week! Where will I go for my last transfer?

We got a referral from the other elders in our branch. It's a man from Nigeria. He's awesome! He came to church. Not sure if he liked it or not. Everything was just really new. Invited Radj and the family to be baptized. They said they are already baptized, but the kids really want to! They came to church too! We did some service for our investigator John. It wasn't planned so we did it in our skirts. It was so hot! But then it started poring rain. It felt amazing! Nice and cold. It was cold people I tell you. I didn't know I would be cold ever on my mission, but it did happened!

Sister Didier and Jordan met a really cool guy Marlen on exchanges and we had a lesson with him. He really knows God. The first thing he said was that he wants to be baptized but he doesn't know in which church. So cool. Then he just told us stories, spiritual stories. For an hour. We had to cut him off. Our heads were exploding. So much inspanning to listen. It was really cool though! i learned a lot. He said that because he loves God he wants to change certain things. I know that that is true. God wants us to change. Change for the better is improving. He wants us to become better. I've seen the hand of the Lord in my life this week. 

How have you seen his hand? I know He is there. Never ever forget that. I know He is a living God. He works with us. I'm the clay and He's the potter. I know the gospel will bless your life if you let it bless your life. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Mi lobi yu!

Zuster Spijkerman

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