donderdag 5 juli 2018

Mission Life #69 TRANSFER CALLS

Maandag, 25 juni 2018

Hello everyone!

Last Monday all of our appointments fell through. We had no idea what to do. The name of a family kept coming to my mind. We went there and we sat down. They are from Brasil. It was awesome to see that God led us there.

We are teaching a man from Nigeria and he is AWESOME! I know he will be baptize one day. We talked about the Book of Mormon. We were scared that he would reject it, but he was actually really interested. The member we took with us bore her testimony. It was wonderful.

On Wednesday morning one of our appointments fell through. God always has a plan right!? So the lady downstairs told us her neighbor wasn't home, so we talked to her and she let us in right away! Talked about Jesus! It was awesome. Then we got our transfer calls unexpectedly!!! Zuster Didier is staying, but I'm going to Kwatta with a greenie! (well she served in US for 2 transfers already). So we will kinda blank the area, but I know it pretty well. Zuster Woolsey will go to Bonaire, so I will never see her again. Zuster Jordan is going home! Cry. I was so surprised. I thought I was staying. But God has a plan. And I'm excited about it!

We had a lesson with a guy, Giovanni. We planned on teaching the restoration, but the Spirit guided us and we just asked who God was to him. He went of, saying beautiful things like, He's my pillar (I thought of pillar of light of course), He has my heart. He shared a beautiful sacred experience he had with God. The spirit was so strong. I know he felt it too. Hij wil niet dat de liefde die hij voor God heeft, aangetast wordt. So my testimony of God grew this week. I know He is there. He helped me to know how to help zuster Didier. He showed me what to do. I fasted and prayed to have the Spirit in me. Not the spirit of contention, but a spirit of love. I know He heard my prayer. I know He loves me, and that love I have for Him can never be damaged.

mijn fiets valt regelmatig uit elkaar :) 
Ik heet nu zuster Bikerman, ik fix ze nu zelf

Thank you everyone for your support. I'm so grateful that I can be here. I know I'm here for a reason. I know I'm going back to Kwatta for a reason. I love Him so much. Trust in the Lord with ALL thine heart and lean not on thine own understanding (Prov. 3:5-6). I thank Him everyday. I invite you to say a prayer of thanks. He has given you so much. And I say these things in the sacred name of Jesus Christ. amen.

Zuster Spijkerman

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