maandag 30 juli 2018

Mission Life #73 New mission President

Maandag, 23 juli 2018

President Braird and his wife for the first time in Suriname
De nieuwe zendingspresident is geweldig! Hij wil deze zending alleen beter maken en hij wil dat vooral doen door al onze talenten te gebruiken.

I love my companion, zuster Spencer.

Saturday was a hard day, it was hot and everyone cancelled on us. We went to church to practice a song with the ZHV/RS. President Verweij (red. yup elder Verweij die in Apeldoorn heeft gediend) asked us if we could translate for the fireside. We told him we had an appointment, but we felt bad, because we wanted to help him out. We decided to pray and aske God for advice. So we did and I felt lik we should confirm our appointment one more time. It was with a less active member, 23 years old. He said he is waiting for us, so we knew we had to go to our appointment. Then the elders came too and they were able to translate. So they answered our prayer. We had an amazing lesson about the Atonement. He said that the lesson inspired him to go to church and we didn't mention church at all. It was cool how the Spirit really guided that lesson. He committed to come to church and he did!

I know God hears and answers our prayers. He gives us council. We read Alma 37:37 in church yesterday and that's what we did. He truly guided us. God knows where we need to be and what we need to say in order to touch the hearts of the people here. I know He is always there for me. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Zuster Spijkerman

Ps Red. Sister Spijkerman ran out of time for writing a weekly letter for her blog. These are words that she wrote to us or her mission president so that she still had something for her blog. Enjoy!

Zone conference with the new mission president Baird and sister Baird

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