woensdag 18 juli 2018

Mission Life #71 new challenge!

Maandag, 9 juli 2018.

Hi everyone! 
Ik heb geen tijd AAH stom.... (dus heeft zuster Spijkerman maar een stukje uit de brief gekopieerd die zij naar haar zendingspresident heeft gestuurd. red). 

I love Kwatta so much! Especially the members. We got to know more of our investigators, which was awesome. President I just want to thank you for your challenge to talk to 20 people every day. In our DCA I just didn't really have a huge desire to talk to people. And I felt so bad, because I want to serve God with my whole heart, mind, might and strength till the end of my mission and I prayed so much to get that desire back. And the challenge was an answer to my prayer. We talked to so many people, not 20 a day, but like 10 or so. It made me so exited to go out and see who nees the gospel.

Yesterday we were biking to our DCA and it started poring. So much rain, it was insane. We could not bike. Lativa, a recent convert I prepared for baptism a year ago, lived nearby and she didn't come to church. So we felt prompted to go there. We got there all wet, bus she gave us towels and everything. We felt so much love. We asked her how she was doing. And she started crying. She is having some problems with her husband, who's not a member and not really religious at all. I know God sent us to her. Í'm grateful that the rain brought us there, she needed us.

I'm so grateful to be on a mission, to be back in Kwatta and see the changes. It's amazing to me that there are so many people that needed you and I also needed them. I gave a talk yesterday about faith and miracles. I talked a lot about miracles with president Egbert, I know God is a God of miracles and I want to have the eyes to see those miracles. I know He is there, He loves me so much, I love Him. He is my Father in Heaven who hears e. I love being a missionary. I love this work. And I know He is helping and guiding all of us. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Zuster Spijkerman
Appartement van de zendelingen zusters in Kwatta juli 2018.

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