donderdag 5 juli 2018


Dinsdag 3 juli 2018

Hello folks!

This week was gek. It started in Rainville! 

I said goodbye to some of the members. We had some really good lessons with some people. We had a short lesson with 2 kids. We thought they weren't really interested. But they knew so much about God and Jesus Christ!! I learned a lot from them. She said that we need to pray because He created us. Amen. That's the least we can do. Talk to Him and tell Him how grateful we are.

We had a really cool experience with a member present lesson. We don't have a strong relationship with this member. But she bore a perfect testimony and she really followed the Spirit in teaching. We drove in the car with her, we talked some afterwards and now our relationship is a lot better. I didn't really love this person yet but now I do. Later that night we had a meeting. She walked in and she waved to us. Sister Didier and I high fived each other. Mission accomplished. That was our goal. Not for her to wave at us, but just to have a better relationship with her.,

I went to Kwatta on Thursday. Justin came back the day before so I said bye to him. Wow I love that man.

 So KWATTA!!!!
I love it! I love love love my companion! She is super cute, hard working, diligent, sweet person. She plays the flute and piano! It's great. She's from Canada. 

On Thursday we had coordination meeting. Afterwards we walked to our bikes and I saw the branch president standing by his car. I felt like I should ask him if there is anything we can do for him. But I ignored it and walked to the bikes. The thought popped up again. He was talking to the elders and interrupting would be awkward. But I knew what I had to do. So we walked back and we asked him if we could help him with anything. He said no. I kept standing there and he started talking. He had a really rough week and he told me about his struggle. I'm so glad I followed the prompting. It helped him and it helped me. It also strengthened our relationship. 

We had some awesome lessons on Saturday. Most of them about the Restoration. There is this guy, who has been looking for a church and just doesn't know what to believe. It was an amazing lesson. And sister Spencer's Dutch is so good too! She has been visa waiting for 3 months, so she didn't speak Dutch for 3 months. I know there is a God, because I know she could not speak that well without Him. Sunday we had a really spiritual lesson with a 16 year old boy. I didn't expect a lot (sorry me of little faith woops). But he said that he wants to learn more about God because he knows it will help him. 

I 'm working on not hesitating. I just want to DO IT. Vooral met promptings. So there was an old woman, really cute. She was just standing there. looked like she wanted to cross the street. We biked passed her and I looked back and she looked at me and I was like OKAY TERUG. So we go there and this lady immediately said are you from Zoetermeer or Zwolle? I was like how do you know that I'm from Zwolle. Kinda weird. I don't really remember how she like knew that, BUT we helped her crossing the road. 

De 3 Nederlanders moesten hun volkslied zingen (4th of July came up this week).
Elder Groenendijk, Elder Tom Peters en zuster Joëlle Spijkerman, laatste 2 uit de Ring Apeldoorn op zending
So I'm glad the Spirit told me to go back. Because a lot of things could've happened. I know that if we are willing to follow the promptings of the Spirit we have peace of mind and we feel good, because we did God's will. I want to invite all of you to not HESITATE, follow the promptings because that's when you follow Him. I know Heavenly Father guides us. He leads us. I know He lives, because of that. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


zuster Spijkerman

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