dinsdag 31 juli 2018

Mission LIfe #74 ran out of time last time

Maandag, 30 juli 2018

SORRY I ran out of time last week.

I'm just going to tell you about this last week though. So on Monday we went to waterkant with our district. It's next to the Surinaamse rivier and there is a ford and fun stuff. We took lots of pictures and performed in the middle of palmentuin, singing 'prayer of the children' It was freaking awesome. I love the missionaries I am serving with. 

We also performed at the Pioneersday activity. It was awesome to hear about the pioneers of Suriname. Everyone is a pioneer. I'm a pioneer, because I am the first Dutch sister missionary to serve here in e. How are you a pioneer?

We've talked to so many people last week! we are really trying to talk to 20 people. We weren't able to reach it yet. We talked to 16 people the other day. 

Friday. It was an awesome day. I told my mission president this:

We went contacting Friday morning. Mornings are usually not the best, but something zuster Jordan taught me is that there are different people at different times. So we met a lady from Guyana. She was just on a vacation for a couple days. She had met with the elders before. She invited us in. Kind of had a lesson with her. She really wanted the elders to come to her house in Guyana. The cool part of this all is that I prayed that morning, that I would have the eyes to see the spiritual experiences, to notice them. And Heavenly Father truly answered my prayer.

I went on exchanges to Rainville! 

Said goodbye to some people, including Justin. I made a video. It's to big to upload but I will show you whenever I see you! I love him so much. I also got to say goodbye to the family I found last transfer, or 2 transfers ago. The mom is progressing a lot! It's awesome to see. I took a picture with them. Sunday was amazing. OUr most progressing investigator came again. He takes notes and everything. He is amazing! I'm so glad that the elders found him and that we are able to teach him. 


I know that when we let our light shine, it will help others having the desire to let their light shine. I am so grateful that I can share my light with the people of Suriname for one more week. I know Heavenly Father puts people in/on our path. I know He is always there. It reminds me of a scripture I read the other day. In Moroni 8:2 

"I rejoice exceedingly that your Lord Jesus Christ hath been mindful of you, and hath called you to his ministry, and to his holy work." I know Heavenly Father is always mindful of me, so is His Son.

I finished reading the Book of Mormon this morning. I want to share my experience and testimony. I wrote all the things down that Moroni invites us to do. The first thing is to 'remember how merciful the Lord hath been'. It touched me, because Heavenly Father has been so merciful. He sent me here and it's been a big blessing in my life. The second thing he invited me to do is to pray and ask God, the eternal Father in the name of Jesus Christ if these things are not true. So I did. I knelt down and thanked God for being so merciful. Then I asked if these things were not true. And my heart werd warm. Tears filled my eyes. I feel the same way now I'm telling you about this. My soul is warm. I felt this feeling that is hard to describe. But today I want to testify to you that the Book of Mormon is true. I've only ready the Book of Mormon twice on my mission, but I've learned so much from it through the power of the holy Ghost. I read things at the right time, they encouraged me. I know the Book of Mormon is true. I invite everyone to do the same thing as I did. To pray and ask in faith if it is not true. I know with my whole heart that you will receive that answer through the power of the Holy Ghost. It will make you smile, it will make you feel good. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

I love you all so so much!

Zuster Spijkerman

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