woensdag 20 juni 2018

Mission Life #66 Power of the Spirit and the Book of Mormon

Mandag 4 juni 2018

Hello everyone!

Let's be honest here. I don't really remember what happened this week. I know couple things! So I will share that with you.

Two or three people gave us mangos! So we have a ton of mangos and I don't even like them. I really try, you know. 

We had a really good district meeting about the gathering of Israel. We talked about refugees. That's a sign of the gathering of Israel because in their country they usually don't have religious freedom, so they cannot learn about the restored gospel. But because they left their country they can!!! Mind blowing right!? 

We had some good lessons this week. We took a member with us. He kinda started bible bashing, but our investigator could handle it. He actually liked it. We had another lesson with him later in the week and his friend came and started preaching to us in Sranantongo. He gave us fistbumbs and he said 'amen' all the time. He killed people and he was in jail for a while. He said that you could drink but don't get drunk. It's in the Bible! Well I don't know where kerel. He also fell on his knees and pretended he was praying to show us what he says and stuff. Really interesting. It was pretty funny. The rest of the lesson was good though! Een beetje van m'n apropo or whatever. 

We are teaching an investigator Naresh. He's Hindu and he really wants to learn more. We always invite him to pray about our message and we tell him to listen to what he feels. We promise him that the Holy Ghost will tell him. But he never really understood that. He told us he cannot listen to his heart. We had 2 really good lessons with him. On Saturday we talked about Jesus Christ and the Atonement. He didn't really understand. I tried to listen to the Spirit to answer his questions. I prayed that the Holy Ghost would testify to him and would help him understand. At the end of the lesson he said that he finally understands what we mean. And we weren't sure what he was talking about. Then he said 'yeah the Holy Ghost. I finally get it. I just feel so happy!' The Spirit testified to him. 

Later that night we went to Justin to invite him for church. He understands the Spirit so well. He protects us, warns us etc. I just saw how the man we met in the winkel become this spiritual happy man. It was awesome. The Spirit is so powerful! He bore his testimony yesterday! So cute!  

I know that the Spirit will fill our mouths and will bring the message to the hearts of the investigator. We used a lot of scriptures. I know the Spirit and the Book of Mormon are the greatest tool for conversion. I know this gospel is true. It makes us happy because it is true. I testify of these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.


Zuster Spijkerman

pics: I put up my hammick and I LOVE IT I actually don't know what pictures I sent haha 

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