zaterdag 2 juni 2018

Mission LIfe # 64 Serve with your soul

Maandag, 21 mei 2018


This was such a good week!! so I had a goal last transfer to serve someone every day. And I still kinda want to do that. People here DON'T accept help. So stupid. Maybe they think we think they can't do it. But Tuesday there was a lady racking her yard or what ever. And we stopped. I kinda just grabbed the thing and said 'Mag ik dat voor u doen?' And she was just kinda laughing. I sucked at it so I handed the thing over to sister Didier. I started talking to her. She is Moslem, but not really echt. I felt SO good. I love serving the people here. It really helped her to open up more.

A couple weeks ago we found this creeper boy, but we decided to talk to him. His name is N. We've had a couple lessons with him now and he is AWESOME. He told us that he wants to change. He wants to quit smoking. He wants to be like his dad. Having a family and stuff. So cute. (Okay he's 21 just saying so maybe not cute. Tender?). We committed him to pray for the power to resist temptation. We promised him that he would smoke less. And he told us he only smoked 1 cigarette instead of 6!!! WOWWW God is groot! Don't you just love God?

I want to share a spiritual experience we had with A., the 15 year old girl. We followed up on Moroni 10:3-5. She was so excited to tell us what she learned. She loved the verses. we asked her how she felt. She said 'it's like the Holy Ghost came over me'. The spirit was so strong during that lessons. She smiled. She is feeling it big time. I love seeing her testimony grow. That just makes everything worth it you know. God really leads us to the people that need us. We found a girl that looked sad. She let us come back twice already. She is not the elect, but she definitely needed our help at that time. 

My faith and gratitude for my Heavenly Father grew. I know he really hears me. A couple times this week it was pouring. And that makes missionary work a lot harder. So I prayed that the rain would stop so that we could have lessons. Usually people cancel when it is raining. So the rain didn't stop when we biked to our appointment. But when we got to our appointment it stopped. We were sitting outside, so I was so grateful. Heavenly Father is merciful. Also yesterday when it rained before church I asked if it could stop. We stepped outside and the rain stopped.

I had a spiritual experience in sacrement meeting yesterday. We had no investigators and a lot of members weren't there. So I was kinda sad. But one of the returning members came! So I was happy. And there were good talks. Someone talked about diepgaand leren. Learning with your whole soul. She said that you have to learn and study with your heart might mind and strength. So serving with your soul means serving with your whole heart might mind and strength. 3 minutes before 2nd hour of church we were asked to give the lesson. UNPREPARED. It was horrible. We taught gospel principles and the classroom was full of people. They all asked questions about the priesthood. Then an investigator walked up and stood next to us and started taking over the lesson. AWKWARD. I felt so stupid. But I just testified. I hope the people could feel the Spirit. I'm not sure if I did. It was really hot in there.

I know this gospel is true. I know Heavenly Father hears my prayers. I love Him so much. David Archuleta wrote a song "My little prayer'. It says: Heavenly Father, I am grateful, for your eternal blessings. I am learning to be patient and that you are really there. Sometimes I am afraid. That's when I am lacking faith. But I'm beginning to understand. That for me you have a plan." I feel like that all the time. I know He is there. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

zuster Spijkerman

Ps: SISTER BARKER IS GONE. I'm gonna miss her so so much. 

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