zaterdag 2 juni 2018

Mission LIfe #63 Families can be Together Forever

Maandag 14 Mei 2018

Oehoeh hi everybody!!

This week was kinda weird, because our apartment is falling apart. Our garage door is broken and their is a leak because it's raining so much, the gate doesn't work sometimes. Yup Helemaal keduuk. But besides that it was an amazing week. Pretty much had spiritual experiences everyday. 

Monday night a man let us in and we had a lesson with him. This never happens. 

Tuesday we decided to draw the plan of Salvation with chalk and talk to people about it. It was so much fun! 

On Wednesday we were at this weird place. Looks like a village with tons of kids. We tried to have a lesson but it was so crazy. But they sang for us!! And then we sang for them 'I am a Child of God'. All of the sudden everyone was quiet and everyone in the village was astonished. Not because our voices are amazing (I mean we sound pretty good) but because they felt the Spirit. 

Then this weekend was just amazing!!! Biked through a lot of water (maybe like up till your knees) and we taught the family again. Have I actually told you about them already? Okay. So they remind me of the VonTrapp family from the Sound of Music. They are so so cute. 

We came there and because of the rain they had some problems with the water. We helped them to get the water weg. And then we had a beautiful lesson. The kids are so obedient! And they can concentrate!! Wow it's amazing. At the end the boy, asked about baptism. So cute. We invited them last time to pray as a family. Every single day. They did and they saw a huge difference. 

This time we invited them to come to church. The dad and the 4 kids came!!!! Sunday was literally so amazing. The family was there and someone was baptized Saturday, so she received the Holy Ghost. I cried because the blessing was so beautiful. We sang the song count your blessings. And I was so grateful. My heart was full of gratitude towards my Father in heaven and Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost. 

There is so much love in this branch. There is unity. And this branch has a baptism every month because of it. I'm staying here for another transfer and I'm so glad. I want to end my mission here. I set a goal of baptizing 5 people before I go home. And I know it's possible, because we are teaching the family now. I'm so happy to be here on a mission. I felt so much gratitude when I skyped my family. I've never felt the Spirit that strong during skype before. I love my family. It's alsmost like I forgot how much I actually love them. I know that their prayers are answered every day, because I know they pray for me and I'm feeling so good. I'm happy. I'm doing the Lord's work and I'm enjoying it. That's what my mom told me to do my last 2 transfers. Enjoy! It's not just endure to the end. we have to enjoy to the end. 

I know I can be with my family forever and that thought brings me joy and happiness and comfort. I'm so grateful for the many sacrifices they make. I know they are blessed. I love you all! Good luck with everything you do. And with everything you do. Enjoy!


Zuster Spijkerman

Ps I have a lot of pictures but this computer is lame. Next week goed?

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