woensdag 20 juni 2018

Mission LIfe #67 Zone Conference

Maandag 11 juni 2018

President en zuster Egbert, zuster Spijkerman, Zone conferentie juni 2018

This week was amazing!!!! 

It was the last time I saw the Egberts. They are leaving in two weeks. We had zone conference and we talked about the temple. O how I love the temple. I forgot a lot because I haven't been able to go for more than a year. But I love to see the temple. The sisters and 2 elders sang I love to see the temple for the musical number. I played the piano. God really helps me with that because I don't have a lot of time top practice. I learned a lot. I cried a lot. I will miss them so much. They truly have changed my life. 

President gave us the challenge to talk to 10 more people every week. To the people you would skip. So that same day we talked to 4 people! It was awesome. Including a Nederlander!                                                                                                                                                                        

Sister Egbert came to a lesson with us. She biked with us too! The first time on her mission. We had a wonderful lesson with our investigator John. He felt the Spirit. He just doesn't want to commit to come to church. So annoying. Cried some more, because this was the last time I would see sister Egbert. I love her so much. 

We stopped some more people. I felt prompted to talk to this lady. My companion was een kilometer verder and sister Egbert needed to turn around too ( she wasn't really good at that) but I turned around. The lady acted like we knew her. We thought she was a member, but she was JW. It was nice to talk to her. We also talked to another girl. Stephanie. Her mom recently passed away and she kinda lost herself. She prayed a lot and was getting back on the right track. And then we came. She thanked us. It was so awesome! God truly puts us there where he needs us. 

Saturday morning all of our appointments fell through. We didn't know what to do but we just decided to go contacting. We talked to a cool guy. 

Then I saw someone weeding his garden. I didn't want to ask him, but I knew I had to ask him if he needed help. He was kinda laughing, but we were serious. We weeded the garden in our dress, well my companion was wearing dress slacks. We shared our message while weeding. It was awesome. We helped him for an hour. SO MUCH SWEAT. He wasn't interested... dang it! 

Oh well. He will at least think about it. I took a cold shower. Goodness gracious it was so hot. Then we went to Allicha. She is awesome I love her, but she keeps cancelling and I thought we were loosing her. But I've prayed a lot and I knew everything would work out. And we had an awesome lesson. We felt prompted to bake cookies for her and she loved it. It just shows that we love her. We had a very spiritual lesson. She wants to be baptized but she needs to think more about it. 

We found a lady in our DCA this week and Saturday she told us she was actually a member! Crazy! She is 28 and has 7 kids! Impressive toch? It was kinda gek to be there. The kids are so cute though.

We had a cool experience yesterday too. In our DCA are a lot of interns (stagiares?). So we klopten and a Dutch girl came out. And I'm not going to lie, but I'm kind of scared of Dutch people, because usually they don't believe in God and they don't want to talk to you. But I know God puts me in this place so I can learn not to fear. We fear no man. Because how will I share my testimony in NEderland if I'm scared to do it here? So my goal is to talk to all the Nederlanders. So yesterday we talked to a girl. She was so sweet and nice! She said she's not really religious, but she believes that there is something, but she isn't sure what. She wasn't too interested right now, so we gave her a card and referred her to mormon.org and she seemed interested in that! We testified and the Spirit was there. She admired us. 

Until we meet again (snif) president & sister Egbert
An elder bore his dying testimony at zone conference about letting your light shine. I loved it so much. I know we can help others letting their light shine by letting our own light shine. I shouldn't hide it and I shouldn't be scared to share it. Because it will bless their life. I know the gospel is true. I'm so grateful that I can serve here in Rainville to talk to the Nederlanders and let my light shine, so they can feel that light inside of them light up. God gives us strength to do these things. I know He is a living God. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Zuster Spijkerman

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