maandag 7 mei 2018

Mission Life # 61 Zone Conference

Maandag, 30 april 2018.

Hi everyone!
I don't feel like writing today but we had a good week. It's been a kind off rough with John. So he's not on date anymore. But we will still work hard with him.

We had interviews and zone conference. I received a blessing and I cried so much. The Spirit was so strong. That's exactly what I needed. I know God is real and he truly gives worthy man the priesthood to be a blessing for us. I learned a lot about the gathering of Israel, also a lot about Abraham. So in my patriarchal blessing it talks about Abraham, so I understand a lot more what that means now.

We had a cool experience on Saturday. We were biking and we felt prompted to look up a potential. We couldn't find her, but we found someone else who was so so awesome. She asked us how the gospel has blessed us. We all testified. And I want to testify to you that the gospel blessed my live so so much. There is more unity in my family, I know who to turn to and I know Christ. I know why we need Him.

My testimony of kids understanding the gospel grew. We are teaching a couple teenagers. And they just understand so so much. They listen even when you think they don't listen. I know God chose this generation to come to this earth at this time.

We had a lesson with one teenager, Ryan. We wanted to drop him because we thought he didn't understand and he was just not ready. But then he told us everything about the restoration. We were so surprised. Then we talked about the Book of Mormon. The Spirit was so strong and you could see him smile and glow. I feel the Spirit now I talk about it again.

I know there is power in the Book of Mormon. It helps us to help others. It helps us to know the truth. I know the Book of Mormon is true. We can learn from every verse. I'm reading the war chapters right now and I've prayed so much for understanding and I've never learned this much. It's God's word. It helps us to grow closer to Him. President Eyring talked about blessings of the Book of Mormon in his talk in October and he said that we will have the desire to do good to others, to serve others. My desire to help and serve others grew so much. And I know that's because of the Book of Mormon. I know with my whole heart that this gospel is true and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ amen.


Zuster Spijkerman

ps we went to palmentuin. It's so pretty

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