maandag 7 mei 2018

Mission Life # 60 Come see the Light

Maandag 24 april 2018

Hello everyone!
This week I want to tell you the many experiences I had. How I came to see the Light. I did forget my planner, so hopefully God helps me out here. 

We are teaching a man, John. (Well we are teaching 3 Johns, but this is John 1). So we think he has autism. But he is really cool and he understands things pretty good. Especially when he reads. So we have a goal of 2 baptisms this transfer. we already have 1, so we need 1 more. We had a date in mind for John, prayed and we weren't sure. So in the lesson I got a feeling we should invite him to be baptized. But then my companion closed with in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. So I thought: 'okay next time', but then my other companion looked at my companion. We all felt like we should invite him. So we did. and he's on date for the 12th of May! We have to teach him a lot, but we know it will happen with Gods will. 

Wednesday was such an amazing day! We had a really good lesson with 2 young women we are teaching. The Spirit was so strong. We invited them to pray with us there to ask God if Joseph Smith was a prophet. And in her prayer the girl said that deep in her heart she knows it's true. It was so wonderful. I felt so light, I was so happy. I think I was glowing zo blij was ik. We were running late for another appointment. But then zuster Barker stopped someone. And the lady was gorgeous, so I'm glad we stopped so we could tell her. She said she has been praying a lot and she just started going to church again. She was so grateful that we met her. She was from Cuba. It was so amazing. I stand all amazed. Well I stood. 

I had a really spiritual personal experience on Friday that I want to share with you.

Lately, I don't feel wonderful and I just don't know why and because of what. So Friday morning in my prayer to start personal study I cried and told Heavenly Father that He needed  to comfort me and help me see what is wrong with me and how I can fix it. Then I got the prompting to just open up the Book of Mormon. And I don't like doing that, because I feel like it doesn't work. It worked once in my life. So I told God that I didn't know if I trusted Him enough right now to open up the Book of Mormon and start reading. But I knew I had to do it. So I did. I opened up to Alma 27. I read verse 27 and the Spirit told me that I needed to tell my companions how I felt.

I needed to be honest and sincere. So I told them. And they helped me a lot. We talked about being exactly obedient, but don't look beyond the mark. I think I'm too focused on being obedient that I forget why I want to be obedient.They really helped me this week. Because I could be honest our relationship is a lot better and there is more unity. I feel happier. I had never felt this way on my mission before, so it was a dark place I didn't want to be. But God invited me to come see the light. Christ is the Light. There is an EFY song 'come see the light'. The shadows flee, His quiet voice, see the light hope, be free. Or something like that... And I just love that song so much. He delivers us out of darkness. Just like He did with Joseph Smith.

Then Saturday we had a beautiful lesson with a member family. Usually we just sit with the wife, but the husband sat with us too. We talked about God being a God of miracles. The Spirit was so strong. I was able to share my testimony of the miracles I've seen in my life. I shared the story of my brother. That the doctors told my parents he would never be able to walk. But now he is running and hij doet mee aan wedstrijden (he is running races). They were amazed!!! 

I am doing good now. I am tired, but missions are the best. Time goes by fast, sometimes slow.

But I know that if we turn to the Light, we can be delivered out of darkness and we can see the miracles that God performs in our lives daily. I want to invite all of you to focus on that Light. Focus on Christ. You will rejoice. I know and I promise you that you will find new life. In the name of our Savor Jesus Christ. amen.


Zuster Spijkerman

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