maandag 7 mei 2018

Mission Life #59 Talking to Everyone

Maandag, 16 april 2018

Hello everyone!
This week was amazing!! We talked to so many people. We stopped them while biking, walking, talking everything. 

Tuesday we were there and we met a guy, A. He said that he had been praying for someone that could help him come closer to God. But nothing or no one came. But then God sent us to him. Then on Saturday we stopped by to make an appointment and we asked him if there was anything we could do for him. He asked us to pray for him. He really wants to learn more. Finding the elect is so awesome!

We also talked to a lady on the street, and we barely talked to her daughter actually. We had a lesson with her yesterday and she said she really wants to repent and convert (bekeren in Dutch sometimes it's hard to tell which one they mean haha). She was so awesome! We also had 2 other lessons this week with two 16 year olds that are amazing! They can all be baptized! I  know God puts us in the right places if we are willing to follow the promptings. I know that if we learn how to recognize the promptings, revelations, we will recognize Him at the last day.

I read something in the Book of Mormon about recognizing His voice. Revelation helps us to recognize his voice, so we will know Him and recognize Him.

We saw a sloth this week. (luiaard). 

 We have another really cool investigator J. We think he has autism, so we need to go very slow. We took a member with us. And it was awesome! He even invited him to come to church and he could pick him up. He didn't come, but he told us that he really wants to come next week. 

We had another member present lesson with our Guyanese family. The cancelled our two last appointments so I was kind a scared that we had to drop them. But wow. NO. On the contrary. So let me tell you. She used to believe in God, but  is leaning towards science now. We invited them to pray last time. And he prayed a lot actually! That even surprised her! So we committed them to pray every day. Usually she wouldn't be willing to do that, because she doesn't know why and who she is praying to. But now she said that it wasn't a hard thing to do. So they will pray every day. And that's a huge thing! The member shared her testimony and told them to pray. The Spirit was so strong. I couldn't talk after the lesson because I was in shock of their progression! It's so awesome to see the change and progress in people. That is literally the most amazing part of a mission.

My testimony of the priesthood grew this week. Justin received the gift of the Holy Ghost. I was sitting behind the piano still, but he was just smiling and he was grabbing his heart. I knew he felt the Spirit. Another lady got baptized yesterday and received the gift of the Holy Ghost too and my companions told me that Justin said:  'she got the power too?' He said he feels sure ("Ik voel me verzekerd"). Partaking of the sacrement was really special for me too. I was just so grateful for the young man who gave me the bread and water. My heart was filled with the Spirit and testified to me that this is the only true church. I'm so grateful that Joseph Smith restored the Church. Because of Him we have the power and authority to lead this church and perform saving ordinances. Because of the priesthood I can take from the sacrement and start again. 

I know the Church of Jesus Christ is restored on the earth again. Built on a foundation of prophets and apostles, Jesus Himself being the chief corner stone. I know God lives. He interacts with us. We can talk to him every single day. Prayers helps me so much. I love my Father in Heaven. Seek Him an I promise you that you will find Him. He loves you. I love you. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Zuster Spijkerman

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