zondag 25 februari 2018

Mission LIfe #51 Finding God's children

Maandag, 19 febuari 2018

Finding God's children... That's what we did this week. Basically all of our appointments fell through... Yes... I think we had like 10 planned lessons. For the rest we contacted. We had some awesome experiences!

Tuesday our appointment fell trough at like 7 pm, so we decided that God really wanted us to find someone. So we continued where we stopped. I said a quick prayer, because I really didn't want to go contacting after doing that for 2 or 3 hours already. I asked my Father to bless us with a spiritual experience. And He gave me one. Right after I said the prayer the lady said that we could come in. We sat down and started talking to her. We asked her why she let us in and she said that she felt something, something told her that we preached the word of God and she wanted to listen to that. So we made a return appointment. That family is so proper. High standards. You don't see that a lot now-a-days. I was so grateful that my Heavenly Father heard my little prayer. I know He heard it because He answered it. 

We also met a guy Justin. We needed bread so we just stopped at the Chinese winkel and the man started talking to me about my choice of bread. Jij gaat praten tegen mij? Dan ga ik praten tegen jou. So he told us how confused he was about religion, which one is true. Well, let me help you out! So he gave us his information.

On Wednesday we met someone who saw us biking all the time. She was glad that it was her turn. She was really cool! We had branch coordination and branch council. We went home afterwards and we called president, because we had a question. He answered our question and he also told us that zuster Campbell and I are staying in Rainville! We are going to Kwatta for just a day, because sister Bokai is leaving Tuesday morning 😞 and the new sister is coming Tuesday night! 😄 That was an answer to our prayers and our fast. Thank you new sister! 

Thursday was a good day of contacting. We met a girl. We could see the pain in her eyes. We could tell that she needs Jesus. So we testified of Christ and made a return appointment. 

Friday... Rain... Appointments fell through. Our only option was to go contacting. But we are in a buurt where everyone works in the morning, so no one was home. We decided that this was not effective. So we looked up a referral but she spoke Sranan. I'm pretty sure she told us that it was raining, so we should come back next week. I'm not sure though. So we still had 45 minutes till lunch. We decided to pray, because we had no idea what to do.

A couple options came to my mind, but I felt the best about going to a former contact we had. She told us that we shouldn't just stop at her house, because she is always busy. But I felt like we should try her. I prayed our whole way there, because why are we trying her if she told us not to do that haha. But I prayed with real intent, so we went. And she was literally outside mobbing and she immediately let us in if like she was waiting for us. She told us her whole lifestory. She told us that the Lord told her to go back to Suriname (she lived in Nederland for a long time), but she doesn't know why. I think it's because she needed to meet us. It was so amazing. God answered our prayers. It was a blessing. 

We had a lesson with Justin (see Tuesday). He is looking for the truth. He is so confused. It's so cool that we can help him!

Saturday we contacted all day. At the end of the night our appointment fell through with our most progressing investigator (this was the 8th time she cancelled). I was so done. So I just prayed for good contacts, cause I had no motivation. It was raining en alles. Then we found 2 awesome people. One of them just needed us at that time. Not sure how interested she is, but she needed us, so that was cool. 

Sunday we planted a seed. He was smoking and said that he doesn't go to church because then he needs to change. If he would go to church he'd go to EBG because he grew up with that. He said that every religion elke stroming in Christianity is the same. I was like uuuhu no. So we started talking about the Restoration. He didn't say anything. He felt the Spirit. And then we left. 

It's been a good week. I'm glad we are staying in Rainville. God answered a lot of my prayers this week. I know that if you pray, God will answer yours. Because He loves you! He knows you! I invite you to pray everyday and to express your love and gratitude for Him. I know He lives. I love Him. I know this is His church. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Zuster Spijkerman

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