zondag 25 februari 2018

Mission life # 47 GOD IS GROOT

Maandag 22 januari 2018

Hello everyone!!! 
I'm so excited to write this email, because I had a lot of spiritual experiences this week. We just had a lot of good lessons again! 

Saturday night I was so tired and we just had a weird God lesson, so I just prayed that either the next lesson will fall through or that it would be a really Spiritual lesson. Well, the lesson didn't fall through. But we had a really spiritual lesson! God always answers my little prayers. I love it.

I've been praying a lot for the Spirit, because I realize how important the Spirit it is conversion. It's the Spirit that will change their hearts. So I've been praying and working on following the Spirit. Sometimes it's just hard to recognize the Spirit. But I realized that if your first thought is a good thought and it leads you to do something good, you should act upon that goo thought. So Wednesday we were contacting in our DCA when I saw this really good looking guy. He was walking towards his house. Zuster Campbell said that they already talked to that house, so we were about to skip the house. But I was like, did you talk to that guy and she said they didn't. So after hesitating, I knew what I had to do. It was a good thought and I needed to act upon it.

So we went over and started talking to him. He said that he was raised Catholic, but he knew it wasn't the right church, but he doesn't know which church is, so he stopped going to church. He was searching for the truth, so we made a return appointment. That appointment was yesterday. He opened up right away. He asked if we could pray for more peace and calmness (rust) around him. So we did. And there were a lot of kids in the playground behind us, but all the kids were gone at the end of the lesson. In the lesson he completely opened up. 2017 was a really bad year for him, so he wants to start over. His story is really sad, but I just felt so happy. I felt like Ammon, when the servants were so scared, and his heart was swollen of joy, because he could show him his power, God's power. This guy is searching. He is just like Joseph Smith. I was just so happy, because I knew that this gospel will and can give him all the answers he needs. The Spirit was so strong. 

I know that God leads me, guides me to those that are prepared by Him. I'm so grateful I can be His servant. I know that I'm at the place where I belong. I know that the prophets put us there where God and his children needs us the most. I know this gospel is the everlasting full gospel. It brings joy, it brings peace, it brings happiness. I know He is a living God who watches over me and all of His children. I know that he knows me, he loves me. And that just makes me so happy. I know the gospel is true, because it makes me happy. In the name of Jesus Christ. amen

I hope you all have a good week. I love you with all my heart. I will pray for you more often. Keep praying for me. That's the best thing you can do for me. Prayer is so powerful!

Mi lobi yu!
Zuster Spijkerman

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