zondag 25 februari 2018

Mission Life # 49 God is Love

 Maandag 5 februari 2018.

Good afternoon!
How are you? Tell me how you are doing! I really want to know. I love you all! I love the people here in Suriname. It's so crazy that you are able to love people in like 5 minutes.

We had a lesson with our most progressing investigator. It was the first time teaching her for me at least. And I could just feel God's love for her. She has a really hard life, so we told her that baptism will help her start a new life. She really wants to get baptized, but she needs to come to church.

We had a lot of time to go contacting this week. So we found amazing people. We were at this house, writing some stuff down. Then a car pulled over. Awkward. Well I just don't care about that anymore. I'm a missionary. So many things are awkward. But awkward is good. So we talked to him.
He wasn't mad or anything. He said that he will get his wife. But his wife was busy, so he told us to come back later that night. So we did. It's a family! They have 2 daughters. And you know what? They live across the street from us haha. So great. I love them. Then we contacted this other house. They were about to leave. We didn't want to bother them, but we did anyway haha. And the girl (5 years old) hugs us immediately! I had never seen her in my life, but she felt good around us I guess. And the people we talked to were super outgoing super nice! I love them haah. In 5 minutes.
The gospel helps me to love people. To have charity. Charity is what keeps me going. Love is my motive. My motivation. What is yours?
And then... yesterday.
Yesterday during contacting we weren't sure if we should try a lady we contacted before. She said she would call us. She never did. But we decided to just klop. She let us in! And she just broke down in front of us. She told us of her struggles right now. I really felt God's love for her. I really felt like a representative of Jesus Christ. We just listened to her. She trusted us. She recognized us as servants of the Lord. We were able to share some scriptures out of the Bible with her. She had a lot of questions about how you can recognize answers to prayers.

I'm so grateful that I have learned to recognize the answers. Sometimes I still don't, but I'm learning. And I can help others recognize their answers. We testified of a loving Heavenly Father. We were definitely an answer to her prayers and she was an answer to our prayers.

I want to testify of a loving Heavenly Father. That sentence is so powerful. That's the first thing the missionaries told my mom. She felt the Spirit and knew she had to listen to the missionaries. I know that God loves all of His children. I'm grateful that He puts me in places where I need to be. He needs me, I need Him, everyone needs Him. A member said yesterday dat we alles kunnen bereiken met God. I know that's true. We can reach our goal, we can reach our potential. I want to testify of God's love in the name of His only Begotten Son, the Redeemer of the world, Jesus Christ, amen.

Zuster Spijkerman

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