zondag 11 februari 2018

Mission Life #45 quick update

Maandag, 8 januari 2018

Hello everyone!! 
We just had a lot of spiritual lessons last week.

President Egbert wants us to write down inspired answers. I want to share two answers I wrote down this week. Both from less actives actually. One was 'wonderen komen uit een wond'. Miracles come from wounds. I was thinking about that a lot. If we want to see miracles, we need to be wounded. We need to have a broken heart, so He can heal us. I remember my dad telling me that once. Thanks dad!

If we are meek and humble we can see miracles. We just need the eyes to see. The other one said: 'door beproevingen leren we Zijn wegen kennen.' We learn his ways trough trials. Trials make us more humble. Jesus's life wasn't easy. it was really hard. And He was so humble.

I know that if I'm humble and turn to Him and really inquire of Him in all my doings, I will see miracles. I know this church is true. I'm so grateful to be His servant. I'm grateful for the things I'm learning everyday. I thank my God everyday for this beautiful gospel. It gives me light, above the brightness of the sun. I know Joseph Smith was a prophet. He saw God and Jesus. He restored the gospel. I know Thomas S. Monson was a prophet. I know that he was inspired to talk about the Book of Mormon in his last conference. I'm so grateful for the Book of Mormon. Without it my life would be empty. It heals the wounded soul. Because of that I can see miracles. I have the eyes to see. I know these things are true.

I read in Jacob 5. At the end it is talking about that they labored with all their might. This is the last time, these are the Latter Days. Now is the time to shine and help other shine. Let your light shine! Serve one another. That's what brings joy, peace and happiness. in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

I love you all!!!!

Zuster Spijkerman

pics: We got a package from zr Hendricks!! Thanks!! Dragon fruit is so pink

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