maandag 8 januari 2018

Mission Life #44 Spiritual highs and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

Woensdag 3 januari 2018

Hallooo luitjes!!!

 THIS WEEK WAS AMAZING. We had a lot of spiritual lessons. All we do here is teach. We had 9 appointments on Friday (5 got cancelled), but o well. 

On Saturday we attended a baptism of the elders. Last week one of their investigators told them that he wanted to get baptized, so he got baptized last Saturday. It was one of the most spiritual baptismal services I've ever attended. He is always kinda shy and doesn't say much, but when he bore his testimony he just teared up. The Spirit was so strong. I felt so good afterwards. 

Sunday we had to be inside at 6 pm because of the fireworks. We just went to bed at 10.30 pm and zuster Bokai woke me up at 12:00. I was sleeping boy. But the fireworks were really pretty! Not as crazy as in the Netherlands, but still a lot. 

Yesterday we had a fun family home evening with the We played the game where you can't show your teeth and you have to say the fruit you are and then the of someone else's. It was soooo funny. Ik heb in een lange tijd niet zo hard gelachen. They are like family. It's amazing. 

I want to share one of the spiritual experiences I had. 

We had one appointment with D. on Friday. We went over and we had an amazing Book of Mormon lesson. She really wanted to know at the end of the lesson if the Book is true. So she told us that she will definitely pray and read. Yesterday we went over again and we followed up on her reading. We had given her 3 Nephi 11 to read, ut she only read like 2 verses. Well, better then nothing. But she kept saying that she read a lot. So apparently she read from the beginning (witnesses and stuff) up till 1 Nephi 2. She was able to tell us the whole story of Joseph Smith and Moroni. She said that she was able to understand the Book of Mormon, because she prayed for understanding. We asked her what she learned from the Book so far and she said that she learned that Joseph truly saw God the Father. We also asked her how she felt while reading and she said she felt relieved. She felt God's power. It was amazing. And then we invited her to church. We've invited her multiple times, but she always says that she already goes to her church. But this time she totally accepted the invitation. I think because

her testimony of Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon is growing. 

I know the Book of Mormon is true. I just read Jacob 3:1-2. One of my favorite scriptures. I know that if we are pure of heart, we will feast upon his love forever. I love my God. I know He loves me. I know He loves you. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


Zuster Spijkerman

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