dinsdag 2 januari 2018

Mission life #40 Ayo Bonaire hallo Suriname

Maandag 4 december 2017

Okay I have 5 minutes.

I arrived safely eventually after 12 hours. Getting up at 5, be at the airport at 6 am and be at the airport in Suriname at 7:30. I was home at like 9.30 pm. long day. But its' good to be back. 

We have a family who's getting baptized the 16th! They are awesome. Friday night our ifriend N. called. We had dinner a little bit earlier than we orginally had planned, but we needed to go to the bathroom and decided to just have dinner then. So he called us and told us he read the Restoration pamphlet and he wants to hear more of God's word. He asked us if we were in the neighborhood so we could talk about God's word. We had time, because we had dinner earlier than planned. We went to his house and taught the Book of Mormon. It was so spiritual. He was so excited about the Book of Mormon! He said he read about that in the pamphlet. He pretty much asked for one. When we invited him to read 3 Nephi 11, he said he would read it Saturday and Monday again, so he can be prepared for our lesson. Isn't that amazing! That was a miracle to me!

Awkward moment: 
I had to call an elder and his voice sounded like a voicemail so I hung up, but it wasn't the voicemail :-) Next week is zoneconference, in Suriname, no not Curacao helaas. I will be emailing on Tuesday. I have 2 comps. We teach in unity 

Okay I will send pics. 

Zuster Spijkerman

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