dinsdag 2 januari 2018

Mission Life #42 weeks and counting

Maandag 18 december 2017

Okay so oh wait HI! Yeah hi. Okay continue. So last time I told you that it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas apparently. There is still no snow here. But!! We had a baptism! A White Christmas! So I agree, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Everywhere you go. Especially in our mission. 

As mission we had a goal of 245 baptisms, but we are on 259 now I think! So woehoe. Everywhere you go in this mission, you'll have a white Christmas. For example to Curacao! How are you Sue Haina?? Crazy that you are in my mission boundaries! Have fun!

ai ai ai I forgot to put my nametag on last week. I felt so naked!!!! Aaah. Gelukkig our appointment fell through so I could grab my nametag. 

I went on exchanges on Friday with sister Baker, who is going home in 3 weeks! Knetter de crazy! It was a fun exchange. We had a really good lesson with someone about the gospel of Jesus Christ. We invited her to be baptized on February 3rd and she totally accepted. She met with missionaries like 25 years ago and she was scared of water, that's why she didn't get baptized. Or like she said : Ik was gewoon nog niet ready. So that's she wants to be baptized is a miracle! She even told us that she wanted to ask if she can be baptized next year! Wow wonderen zijn de wereld nog niet uit hoor!.

I see miracles everyday. Prayer is a miracle especially when you see your prayers being answered. I want to testify of prayer. I decided to put my planner next to my bed, so I can write impressions down after I said my nightly prayer. It's been really amazing. Last Thursday I prayed and I felt like I could work on talking to everyone. So the next day we had two hours of contacting in the morning. We were klopping on this house but nobody opened the door. I saw a lady coming and I was vastbesloten (determined?) to talk to her. We started talking to her and she was amazing! She was super interested. I know that God prepared me by telling me that I should talk to everyone. We haven't met with her yet, but we are really excited about it! 

My spiritual highlight was definitely Saturday and Sunday when the C.family got baptized and confirmed. They were so happy! I felt the Spirit very strongly. It's amazing to see God's children coming closer to Him. 

I'm grateful that I can be an instrument in God's hands to help people come closer to Him and closer to His Son Jesus Christ. He is the Gift. He is the Life. I know He lives! I'm grateful for everything He has done for me. I hope you all think of the matchless gift of the divine Son. Think of Him. Every day. Especially during this time of the year. It's truly the most wonderful time of the year. I wish you all a merry Christmas! I love you all! 


Zuster Spijkerman

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