dinsdag 2 januari 2018

Mission Life #39 Ga fietsen

Maandag 27 november 2017 Bonaire

This week was really interesting! My bike broke a bijillion times. Almost every day. So we spent a lot of time fixing that. But we had some awesome lessons! 

Our friend R. finally listened to us! Which is good. We also had a good lesson with a guy named C.. He remembered a lot from last lesson! Priesthood and apostasy, everything. I can learn a lot from him. We talked about the first vision and what we can learn of that. It was awesome. We also had a good lesson with our friend M. The 40 year-old man, who acts like he's 18 and talks way too much and way too fast. But we had a 'short' lesson with him and he listened! Really good! He makes me laugh. I'm gonna miss him. 

We sang in sacrament meeting yesterday. 'I'll go where you want me to go'. It almost made me cry, because I never stay longer than 3 months (2 transfers). Sometimes I just want to stay. But I want to go where He wants me to go. I want to say what He wants me to say. The Spirit was really strong. 

I want to bear my testimony of Joseph Smith. I know he saw God and Jesus Christ. I love teaching the first vision. I learn a lot from our investigators. C.said that Joseph Smith was really close with God and Jesus Christ. And he was! He saw them with his eyes. I know he saw them. Because he saw them, we know that they are two separate beings with a body of flesh and bones.

 I'm glad that I have this knowledge, because it gives me a direction and a purpose. Because God has a body, I have a body. Sister Jordan asked me the other day why it matters to my to know that I'm a child of God.
I didn't know what to say. Eventually I said, that because I know that, I have a purpose. I know what my potential is. My goal is to become like God. And through Joseph Smith we know more of God and his Son. I know that Jesus is the living Christ. Sister Jordan and I had a goal to memorize the living Christ, and we did. I love the last sentence. It says "God be thanked for the matchless gift of his divine Son." It is a gift. He is a gift. And we have to receive the gift. Every day we have the chance to accept the gift. I know he lives! In the name of my Savior Jesus Christ, amen.

Love you all!
Zuster Spijkerman

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