dinsdag 28 november 2017

Mission Life #38 work, work, work

Maandag 20 november 2017

Hi everyone!

This is gonna be a short email because nothing happened. Everyone kept cancelling. Our recent convert is doing crazy stuff, so it's been a really interesting week. I feel like I didn't do anything. 

We had a really good lesson with an investigator. We brought a member, our mission leader, told us about a member and that she spoke Dutch! He's an angel, because we had no idea she could speak Dutch 
People always speak Spanish here. And it turned out that she knew one of our investigators! We were planning on teaching the atonement, but we just talked about miracles and how God is a God of miracles. And it was so awesome to talk about that, that was really spiritual! And this sister shared an experience as well. It was perfect.

Oh and we did service! We helped a member who's burned out making guave jam. It was really fun! Let me explain actually. So we were done with weekly planning pretty early. So we didn't know what to do. We were about to call some people when zuster Noij called and asked us to help her. It was 4.30. She needed to leave at 5.15. So we asked president if we could use the car and we could. So we helped her out for like 30 minutes. She really appreciated the help. I love helping people out.

Oh before I forget. I will go back to Suriname next week! I'm excited, but also sad to leave this beautiful island of Bonaire. Well that was it. 

Love you all! Mi stima bo! Mi lobi yu!
Zuster Spijkerman

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