dinsdag 28 november 2017

Mission Life #34 Patience. Good things come to those who wait

Maandag 23 oktober 2017

What a week. Anyway. Hello from the other side! Oh sorry apostate.

This week was awesome, but kinda hard. Let me tell you why. We had to prepare a fireside, so we stayed in A LOT. I don't know if it's because I'm a perfectionist and I want it to be nice and perfect or because it actually is a lot of work. The topic was Charity. 

We used the talk of Thomas S. Monson 'Charity that never faileth'. https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2010/10/charity-never-faileth?lang=eng  

There are some quotes we used from that.  

"I have in mind the charity that manifests itself when we are tolerant of others and lenient toward their actions, the kind of charity that forgives, the kind of charity that is patient." 

So we talked about the charity that doesn't judge, forgives and the kind of charity that is patient. I feel like Heavenly Father tested us a lot, because we were studying and preparing for these things. Our patience was definitely tested. I won't go into detail, because complaining isn't good. Let's just say that we lost our key to the house, got the spare key from the landlord, then we lost it again. BUT WE FOUND IT. 

But I just want to tell you that praying for patience is really hard. Because things will happen that will test your patience, but it is soo good! I want to invite you to pray for patience, because if you are patient, you have more charity, because you are patient with the weaknesses of others, afflictions of others, so you have more understanding and more love. 

Last Friday we went to the airport to pickup the new sister (well she was in Curacao), but she wasn't there. So we drove back and sister Montenegro said that we could stop by one of her investigators. So we did. She wasn't home, but her daughter was. We started talking to her. It was one of the most powerful and spiritual contacts I've had on my mission so far. She told us that her brother got killed. And she almost started crying. She told us that she talked to missionaries before, and that they really helped her. So we testified to her that our message can really help her. We testified that she will see her brother again. We said a prayer with her too. 

I know that God wanted us to meet her, so that's why sister Woodbury wasn't there. God's plan is perfect. I so testify in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

Mi ta stima bo!
Zuster Spijkerman

ps: I will send pictures, because we finally took some of ourselves, because we were matching, because we had the fireside, because I don't know. Just Because. #becauseofHim

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