maandag 16 oktober 2017

Mission Life #33 Hola como esta?

Maandag, 16 oktober 2017.

Bon tardi mi amigonan!
This week was a little bit rough. Appointments fell through, not a lot of people wanted to talk to us. But our investigators are doing well!

President Egbert came on Thursday! We went out for lunch and then he came to one appointment with our investigator Mr. E. It was a really good lesson. We went through the first vision with the question in mind 'what can we learn about God'. He said the closing prayer and he said 'Hello God, it's me, E..' So precious.
After that we had a lesson with R. It was a good lesson about the Atonement. At the end we invited him to say the closing prayer. He agreed, but was silent for a while. Then he said 'even denken'. And I don't know why, but that was so spiritual. He took time to talk to God. It was really precious. 

Another spiritual experience was later that day. President called us to ask if we could pick him or the bike he was gonna take from here to Curacao (I was a little bit confused haha sorry). Of course we wanted to do that, but then we realized that we had no key of the car, because after our appointment with Mr. E., president drove our car back (no worries we had our bikes still haha). We called the hermanas a couple times, but they didn't answer. We called the branch president, but he didn't answer either. So we didn't know what to do, because we really wanted to help him out. We decided to say a prayer. And then we called the hermanas again... but they still didn't answer. Then we came up with the idea to call sistter M. (wife of the mission leader).  Then broeder M. said that he could pick him up. We were so relieved! That was truly an answer to our prayer!

Saturday night we had a lesson planned with Mr. R.! But he wasn't there ðŸ˜‘. But his dad was, so we both felt promted to talk to him (his name is also R.). It was amazing! And the recent convert Mr.R. came later and we shared a lesson with him too. It was awesome, because that day was kind of rough.

Today I want to share my testimony about the church, about its organization and programs. We are able to go to the Young Women class every week. Last week there was a mutual activity and sister A. asked us to come, because she wanted to explain the personal progress program. She has never done it before, but we have. We were able to share our testimony of this program. I never realized how much that program prepared me for my mission. I know it is truly inspired. I know that we are here to help the young women too. I'm grateful for their examples. They are amazing! They are an example! 

The gospel is sooo true! The church is super organized. It is perfectly organized! I invite you all to fulfill your calling, because if everyone does that, we can build up the church and help each other become stronger members. 

I love you all!!!!!
Zuster Spijkerman

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