maandag 16 oktober 2017

Mission life #31 Divine Design

Maandag 2 Oktober 2017

Since leaders of the church quote Disney movies in Conferences I can quote them in my letters. I loved to the talk about 'look beyond what you see'. Am I the only one who hears Rafiki's voice in my head? Probably... Anyway. We should really look beyond what we see, because that's what the Savior did. 

So this week was amazing. Too many good things but I don't have time to write a lot about it. But I don't feel so tired anymore because we go to bed like 10 minutes earlier and I pray for help and it's like God sees my effort. So He answered my prayer. So I feel so good. Especially after GC. 

But I want to share my spiritual highlights really quick.

We have this investigator and we planned to drop him after we taught him the restoration (we have 1 lesson before that #keylessons #trinidadportofspainmission). So we taught him the first part of the restoration but stopped before Joseph Smith's story. It was a great lessons! And we invited him to General Conference. And he came Saturday!!! It was awesome! He was even wearing really fancy nice clothes. 

And president Uchtdorf talked a lot about God, our Heavenly Father. And that was perfect for him, because he doesn't have a clear idea of who God is. He took notes, so I know that General Conference is for EVERYONE. Not only members! For the whole wide world. So watch it everyone. It's good. Good advises. 

Another really spiritual experience was with a family. We went there Monday night. And after dinner we talked about the First Vision and spiritual experiences they had and we had sharing that on our missions. And the Spirit was so strong. I had a warm feeling. I know Joseph Smith saw God the Father and His Son. I feel the Spirit again now I share my experience. I know the gospel is true! Yesterday morning we went contacting and we talked to a lady. Her heart was hardened and she said she was busy. Then we asked her if we could help her, but she said no. Then she asked how long we were here. So we said 3 weeks. And we just started talking to her about her family and stuff. We got to know her a little bit. And while we were talking her heart got softened, because she told us that we could stop by if we were in the neighborhood. I don't even remember what we talked about, but eventually I asked her if we could give her a card of Jesus and she said 'of course!'. so we wrote our phonenumber down so she can call us if she needs help. And then I just wanted to have a contact and I asked for her phonenumber. At first something told me she would not be willing to give her number, but that was not God's voice. Because then I had a strong desire and feeling that I should just ask her. And so she gave us her number and told us to call her. That change in like 5 minutes comes because of the message of the restored gospel. It must be true. I know it is! I love the gospel! It's our way to Heavenly Father. 

Also our hour of power is just awesome. Thursday night we biked to our contacting area. And I knew that most of the time there was a man on our way there, but we never talked to him. So we biked and I prayed that he would be there. And he was! But there was someone with him. I started to hesitate and I wanted to keep biking. But God just answered my prayer, how could I not talk to him?! So we talked to them both. And it was really interesting. We got their information. We'll see where it goes. 

Then we got into our contacting area and we were at this resort and a guy yelled at us. So we went their and we talked about God and how we can believe in Him if we can't see Him. we talked about His plan for us. We got their information too! It was amazing!

So miracles are happening, because according to Donald L. Hallstrom a miracle is a beneficial event brought about by divine power that is not understood by men. I don't always understand, but I know that He is my Father. I trust Him. And I know He trusts me to help His children here understand who He is. How great is my calling?? I love it people. It is pretty here! The weather is uhm hot. Well it was almost cold here last week (29 celcius?). 

Mi stima bo!
Zuster Spijkerman

my bike fell AUW 

The puppies ate the resto pamphlets, that's why we took the picture but you can't see it haha. 

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