maandag 16 oktober 2017

Mission Life #32 Mi papia Papiamentu (of zo)

Maandag 9 oktober 2017

Hi everyone!
I have 10 minutes I got this. This week was super awesome, full of miracles!

the sun is so bright that it is hard to keep
your eyes open when taken a picture
I spent 3 days with the Spanish speaking sisters, because my companion was in Trinidad for 3 days,  so we worked in their area for the most time. So a lot of lessons were in Spanish and Papiamentu, and that's really hard for me. But I definitely saw God's hand with that last week. I was able to understand quite a bit and I was able to say things (in English) at the right time. We had a lesson with M. , a Youn Woman in the branch, and some relatives who only spoke Spanish. But I bore my  testimony at the end and the sisters told me that it was perfect. So God really helped me to understand enough so I could help them to come closer to Christ, although I don't speak the language. 

And Saturday night, we had an appointment, but the lady didn't show up. It was 7 pm and it was dark and people don't like us when it's dark. So we had no idea what to do. We decided to pray. After the prayer we were quiet and we still didn't know. I saw someone sitting outside of his house, so I was like 'maybe we can talk to him'. So we did. He was awesome! He drove by in his car while we waited in front of the lady's house and he wanted us to contact him, so he sat outside. And he really wanted us to come back so he willingly gave us all his information and he really wanted us to teach him and his mother. It was amazing to see that God truly lead us to those that are prepared. I didn't recognize that it was the Spirit telling me to go and talk to that man, but I truly did afterwards.

Yesterday, we went to the branch counsil. It was 7.30 pm and we had to be at the other sister's appartment for about 8 pm. So we had 30 minutes. We had no idea what to do. I came up with the idea to go to a lady we met during exercising on the soccerfield. We contacted her and we stopped by a couple times and we called her a couple times. But she was never there or she didn't pick up the phone. So we went there and she was home! We talked to her and she told us more about herself. She told us that she has 6 kids! And we've been praying for finding a family a lot! So that was so awesome!!

I'm glad I followed that idea! And it really wasn't my idea. It was God putting that idea inside of my head through the Holy Ghost. Sometimes it's hard to recognize the Spirit, but if it's a good thing, just do it! That's what we did and it turned out pretty great!

I love everyone of you! Keep working hard in school, on your mission or at work! God will help you! Maybe it's a hard thing to do, but read the story about Mormon in the Book of Mormon . Mormon was 16 and he lead an army, he was the only one who turned to God. I learned a lot about Mormon lately, because that's where I am in the Book of Mormon. Pretty great

I know God hears and answers all of my and your prayers. I am so grateful that He uses me as an instrument to accomplish His work and glory. I know that He love His children. And I am so thankful for that knowledge. I am a child of God and that makes me so happy! The gospel is so so so true! I am so blessed. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Zuster Spijkerman

I will sent pictures next week!!!

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