dinsdag 28 november 2017

Mission Life #36 Do you want to hear the gospel?

Maandag, 6 november 2017

Bon tardi! Or nochi depends on where you are! Alles goed?? Met mij wel. Ik zal vertellen waarom.

Last week was amazing. The first two weeks of this transfer were kinda rough, but this last week was amazing. Especially the last two days. So I will tell you all about the spiritualness of Saturday and Sunday.

onkruid voor de hulp
We started the day with service! it was international day of service, so we cleaned the church. We weeded the weed. So good to help people! We do a lot of service lately! We also helped the branch president out by weeding his garden and we helped people, that are not interested at all, moving there stuff, because they just moved here from the Netherlands. But Saturday. sorry. We had a powerful lesson with two kids we are teaching. We talked about CPR: Church, Prayer, Read. At the end we invited them to come to church, to pray and to read. And they were so excited to read the Book of Mormon! So sweet. 

onkruid geheel verwijderd na onze hulp
After the lesson we had time to go contacting. So we were standing in front of a house, waiting for someone to come out, when a guy in the car stopped and asked us if we were selling something. Yes? The gospel? (we didn't say that) So we started talking to him. He is from Trinidad! So he said that he sees us biking all the time and he wondered who we were and what we were doing. I think he knew that we were from the church, because he also said that he never knew what our doctrine was. so we asked if he was interested in learning about our doctrine. He said yes, because knowledge is power. So we got his information and made a return appointment for the next day. Then we continued contacting and we were able to talk to a lot of people! It was really amazing.

So we were fasting for the white Christmas (did I tell you about that? Baptisms in December). Fasting is so good! Especially because we have testimony meeting then. It was so powerful! I cried a lot. There was also a visitor from Colorado, who served his mission in Croatia. His testimony was really awesome. We wanted to thank him for sharing his testimony afterwards, but he was gone! He disappeared. So sister Jordan and I think it was one of the 3 Nephites. Then the third hour was really good to. We talked about gratitude. I was able to bear my testimony of hoe important it is and how it changed my way of thinking. Someone thanked me for that, because that was exactly what she needed to hear. 

That night we saw the guy we met the day before. It's always hard to find houses haha. Especially when the street is not on the map. So we found his street, but not his house haha. The houses here don't always have the housenumber on it. SO ANNOYING. But oh well, we just ask people, contact people, which is good. So we asked this girl. Turns out she met with missionaries before and that she likes the Book of Mormon. So we got her information and we will schedule an appointment with her when we come back from Curacao, because we have zone conference! Anyway, she didn't really know. Eventually after biking around we called him and we were in front of his house. Perfect! It was an awesome lesson! The Spirit was so strong! When we mentioned the Holy Ghost, he asked if we believed in that too and then he asked what it is and how you and how you can feel it. So we told him that we could feel it at that very moment. We asked him how he felt and he said comfortable. And it is really comfortable to feel the Spirit. It was amazing! 

I know that God puts us there where He needs us. When we first started the new contacting area I was kind of negative, because people told us that other missionaries were already working in that area. So I wondered why God would put us in this specific place. BUT, I know it is His plan. It truly is divine design. I know that people will recognize us! And seriously biking around is so important, because people indeed see us, recognize us. So biking is inspired. Truly inspired. 

I know God lives! He has a body of flesh and bones. The whole purpose is to become like Him. With a perfected body. I know He is helping us in His work. This is His work and His glory. I thank God for giving me the chance to share His perfect plan with people. His plan is a plan of happiness. Jesus Christ is the center. Without Him, the plan would not be perfect. I know these things are true and I so testify in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Mi stima bo!
Zuster Spijkerman

- vogel
- before and after weeding

- skulls in front of a house SCARY. Probably don't like missionaries or something...

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