dinsdag 28 november 2017

Mission Life # 37 Curacao

Maandag 13 november 2017.

Okay crazy week! 

Hi everyone!

So last monday we found out that we needed to take bikes from Bonaire to Curacao, but we needed to bring them to a firm Rocargo to get them packed. So we called them at like 11. They told us they closed at 12. We needed to be there before 12. We were grocery shopping, so we finished shopping we dropped off the other sisters. We got home at like 11.30. We looked for the bikes that were in the shed somewhere. It was hard to get out. We put them on the bike rack thing on the car. We left at like 11:45. We got ther at 11:55. Went to the front desk, but we needed to be somewhere else. Finally we found it. They took the bikes. We drove away at 12:03. Sweet! It was funny because sister Jordan wanted to drive faster, but I said 'Sister Jordan, we have God's promise if we keep his commandments.' And God really helped us out!

We were a little bit late, because we needed to pick up the bikes at 8. We were there at 8:15. We needed to be at the airport at 8.30. SNEL! The package was HUGE. It didn't fit in the car. So the firm had a truck and they brought the bike to the airport for us. We checked in, but we couldn't take the bikes. So we went t Swiss port (they can send packages) but it was too big for them too. So we didn't know what to do and we forgot the PHONE. We had the phone number of the senior couple in Curacao, so we called them. Eventually we could arrange that the Rocargo firm picked up the bikes again. So it was 9:10. We drove home to grab the phone (we needed to be at immigration at 9:25, yeah I know crazy). So we grabbed the phone drove back to the airport. We prayed that our flight would be delayed. So we tried to run to immigration. But we had no strength at all. So we just walked fast. We were at immigration at 9:30. I was ready to hear that we were too late. But no. Everything was fine. And actually the plane left earlier! So God hears our prayers, but He gives us what we need! The plane had no delay, but we made it anyway and we were even earlier. It was a big big miracle. And we arrived safely in Curacao where we spent the day with the sisters. We had interviews and we talked to sister Egbert and watched videos for Light the World  https://www.lds.org/media-library/video/light-the-world-25-days-of-service?lang=eng 

ZONE CONFERENCE: about the Book of Mormon. The Spirit was just soo soo strong! We had to do the roleplay (because sister Jordan is STL). And president said we did an excellent job. I messed up a lot I think, but the Spirit took over. The Spirit taught. We read 3 Nephi 11:5-15. While we were reading verse 15 elder Lindley (senior couple who pretended that they were investigators) teared up. The Spirit was so strong. It was amazing. 

We had exchanges with the Curacao sisters. In the night we flew back to Bonaire. 

During weekly planning we almost dropped someone who was just in the area book but we weren't teaching him. But we decided to call him and he said he was home that day. So we met him. He is awesome. He doesn't believe in religion, but if he finds the true church he will follow that. He is really cool! His name is Andrew.

Contacting in the morning was so good! We taught Andrew again! It was a really good day! Sunday was good too. We had a really good lesson about the Book of Mormon with one of our investigators. At the end we asked her to pray with us and ask God if this Book is true. So she did (in Papiamentu, but we were able to understand!). Afterwards we asked her how she felt. She said 'it is time for me to read this book'. It was really amazing. I felt the Spirit and I feel the Spirit now I'm writing this as well,  that was a really spiritual experience. After her lesson we had another lesson. The man from Trinidad, that was a really good lesson about the restoration. At the end he read something about the Book of Mormon but we didn't tell him about it becasue we teach that next time. He was like what is this book i want to know more of this. Really cool Then we biked home and a creeper followed us so we bike super fast. It was scary! But God protected us.


I feel like I have to testify of the Book of Mormon this week. We've been teaching the Book of Mormon a lot lately. Zone Conference helped me understand how precious the Book of Mormon is. It's truly a treasure, a gift! 

The Book of Mormon helps me understand who my Savior is. The Bible teaches me the stories of Jesus. But the Book of Mormon gives meaning to the stories. I understand why we need a Savior. The Book of Mormon makes me so happy. I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, because it testifies of Christ. I learned to love the Book of Mormon, the Spirit I feel while reading it. It is amazing. It is a blessing. I am grateful for all the knowledge God can give me through the Book of Mormon. At the beginning of my mission I didn't really understand why the Book of Mormon was the keystone of our religion. I knew it was important. I knew it was supposed to be the keystone of my testimony. But it wasn't. But I'm on my mission for almost 9 months and I can say that the Book of Mormon is the keystone of my testimony. Without it I have none. I testify of the power of the Book of Mormon in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Zuster Spijkerman en zuster Jordan Bonaire november 2017

Mi stima bo! Mi lobi yu!
Zuster Spijkerman

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