dinsdag 2 januari 2018

Mission Life #41 Hallo hallo

Woensdag 13 december 2017 Kwatta

Hi everyone! 

Apparently it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. It doesn't feel like that at all. Although I was cold a couple times last week! So this was a long week, so it's hard to remember everything. 

But we had a lot of spiritual experiences. Last Thursday sister Watkins came up with the idea to bring A. (our investigator who wants to be baptized so bad, but lives with her boyfriend) to a lesson with an investigator. I wasn't sure about it, but we gave it a try. IT WAS AMAZING. Sometimes God gives you weird ideas, but good ideas. It was so good, because our investigator opened up, which he had not really done yet. It was so good. 

Everyone cancelled Friday night.It's not save to contact in the night, so we called a lot of people. No one was available. But it wasn't dark yet. We said a prayer to ask Heavenly Father for help and guidance. We felt like we should go outside. So that's what we did. We talked to our neighbor. Finally know his name! We offered help and he was so surprised. We made an appointment to help him clean his yard. Then we wanted to go to a members house to ask them something, and on our way we saw one of our investigators (actually I hadn't met her yet). But we were able to talk to her and make an appointment as well. 

Then we were at the members house (they're kids). Weren't home. But their sister was home. We didn't even know they had a sister. So we talked to her. It was so good! Truly guided by God and the Holy Ghost. Someone from the Ca. family was in the hospital for like a week or more. We weren't sure if he was able to be baptized this Saturday. But then we came to their house to teach a lesson and he was there! Everything is good! 

This family had their baptismal interviews. We were there to support them. And one of them came back from their interviews and said that he was so happy, he could not stop smiling. We asked him why and he said he just talked to the elder and they said a prayer. And that he's gonna be baptized. So awesome. They are so ready. 5 baptisms this week people!! Whoo. not to boast. I boast in my God (Alma 26:12). 

Later that night we had the farewell devotional for elder and sister Crawford (senior couple). It was so fun. I try to upload a video but the computer is slow. 

Monday was zone conference. It was so good! We had a lot of candy because it's almost Christmas. Also we got a temple recommend holder of our mission! so cool. Tuesday we had interviews. 

I want to tell a story I told my mission president:
Yesterday in my personal study Iread 2 Nephi 16:8. I wrote down the last line in my planner. Here am I send me. I am here. I was send here to help these people. So I told my Father to send me to the people who need me today. That reminded me of the talk in General Conference. Who needs me today? So we went to our first appointment. Our investigator was sick. We said a prayer with her and offered help. She really needed our help that day So we helped her making some food. It was an answer to my prayer, because of that my testimony of prayer grew. Every time I pray I just feel so connected with Heavenly Father. I feel good, happy and excited. Excited to do his work. I pary as often as I can. Even during lessons I ask the Father to help the investigator/friend answet teh question and it helps so much!

I know He hears me! And I am so grateful for that, because I cannot do this, His work, without Him!

I know this church is true! Love you all!!!

zuster Spijkerman

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