dinsdag 2 januari 2018

Mission Life #43 HoHoHo

Woensdag 27 december 2017 Kwatta.

I hope you had a wonderful christmas! 

Hi everyone! 

This is gonna be a short email, because not much happened. My companion got sick. We picked up my package. I got sick as well. So we stayed in a lot. BORING. Oh well. I want to share a spiritual experience I had on Sunday. 

I didn't feel good at all last Sunday, but God gave me strength to go to church for the full three hours. Then we stayed in and we only had one appointment planned, so I really wanted to go there, although I didn't feel good. I just knew we had to go out. And we did. We went to D., one of the member's grandson. He told us that he was in a huge argument with his dad and grandma. He cried during our lesson. I just knew that we were there at the right time to help him feel comforted. 
God gave me the strength. It's an amazing when you turn outwards in stead of inwards. When we focus on others, we start to feel better. 

Chrismtas is the perfect time of the year to turn outwards. The people here are so generous with their food. Monday we had a lunch with all the missionaries from Suriname. Then we went skyping. Afterwards they gave us food. Then we went to 3 other members. SO MUCH FOOD. But they turned outwards which is awesome. 

I'm so grateful to be on a mission. 

It's kinda hard to be away from home during the holidays, but I want to share something I learned about celebrating Christmas. Yes, we celebrate the birth of Christ. But what does that mean? It means that we celebrate that He lives! I'm so grateful that he gave his life for us. He resurrected. I know He lives. 

I love you all! And be save with New Years Eve!! Fijne jaarwisseling!

Oh and I will be emailing next Tuesday probably!


Zuster Spijkerman

Kerstpakket van thuis voor ons allemaal

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