zondag 25 februari 2018

Mission LIfe #50 HIS TRUTH

Maandag 12 februari 2018.

Hi everyone!
It has been a good week of finding and teaching.
Monday night we spent some time finding lost less actives. We stopped by one a couple houses last week, but no one was home, or they didn't live there anymore. But the less active was home Monday night! It was a miracle, because she told us she is moving next week. No one has her phone number or anything, so she would've been lost. So God put us in the right place at the right time. The same night a guy hit on us. He really liked us. He doesn't live in our area so we had a good excuse to not give our phone number haha.

We had a really good sacrament meeting yesterday. There was a kid sitting with his dad in front of the church. He was really quiet and reverent while he took from the sacrament. After he had taken from the sacrament he had the biggest smile on his face. The Spirit just testified to me that everyone may take from the sacrament, because it is a reminder of His great atoning sacrifice. And he has accomplished the Atonement for all of us. Not only men, or women. All people. Kids, youngsters, adults, everyone.

I know this is the true church, because we have the fullness of the gospel, the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I read in Mosiah 23:10.
10 Nevertheless, after much tribulation, the Lord did hear my cries, and did answer my prayers, and has made me an instrument in his hands in bringing so many of you to a knowledge of his truth.

We are bringing many of his children to a knowledge of His truth. Not the truth of Joseph Smith, but of Him. Of God. And He always works through prophets. He proclaims his truth through prophets, teachers, missionaries! (aka me and many others). We bring the world HIS truth. Members, Non-members, recent convert. We had a lesson with a recent convert and she said that God is 'lief' towards us, so we need to be 'lief' (sweet, nice, lovely, loving) towards Him. It's so simple, but so true. The gospel is plain and simple.

We have been teaching the Restoration a lot and every time I feel the Spirit testifying to me that this is His church. I know this is His church, it's his truth, and I'm glad I can be an instrument in His hands to proclaim His truth. I know it's HIS work and HIS glory. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Zuster Spijkerman

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