woensdag 28 maart 2018

Mission Life #52 Meisjes van Jezus Christus!!!

Maandag, 26 februari 2018

WOW. This week was geweldig. Let met tell you all about it. No, I'll just tell you the highlights.
We were in Kwatta for a day, because sister Bokai left. Zuster Bokai is gone😭. I cried people. I cried. She was my trainer. She was my companion for 11 weeks, she will be my sister for live and we will be friends forever. although she lives in Kiribati an island in the pacific. I love her. God bless her.

But yeah, we were in Kwatta and we visited some people. Wow it's so good to see the progress and the change. I love Kwatta. Tuesday night the new sister came! Zuster Woolsey! She is part of the 4 sisters in Suriname!!! She is a miracle.
We went back to Rainville on Wednesday. Wow it's Rainville for a reason cause it RAINS. Zoveel. We had an awesome day though. Because.... JUSTIN. Have I told you about him? We found him at a store and he's looking for the truth.

We had three lessons with him and he studies the pamphlet and he loves it. He met with missionaries before, but he didn't understand the message. Now he's open and he takes it all in. We talked about the First Vision and we asked if he wanted that wisdom that Joseph Smith was looking for and received after praying. We looked at him. He didn't say anything, but his eyes got big, big smile and he nodded. Yes! He teared up. Such a tender moment. This man is looking for the truth just like Joseph Smith. We left and we decided to say a prayer of gratitude. We cried out of happiness and gratitude. God is groot.

He has a kid who calls us the meisjes van Jezus Christus. The girls of Jesus Christ. So cute. But it is true.

I know God leads us to those who need us. I know previous missionaries planted seeds. The field is white ready to harvest. We are harvesting right now. God is a God of miracles. He gives us the power and wisdom we need to teach these people so they will recognize us as servants of the Lord. His son calls us the girls of Jesus Christ. I feel more and more that I'm a representative of Jesus Christ. I'm a girl of Jesus haha. I love God with all my heart. I know He is a living God who is watching over us, over me. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Don't be scared to do good! I love you!

Zuster Spijkerman 
ps Yes I'm on my mission for a year
pps I'm going to Trinidad for MLC tomorrow #flying #TrinidadPortOfSpainMission.

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