woensdag 28 maart 2018

Mission Life #56 LOVE

Maandag, 26 maart 2018

Goede middag iedereen!

How is everyone doing? I'm doing pretty good!

Nothing too crazy happened this week. Wednesday we were contacting and we contacted a former investigator I taught once when I was her last year. She was really sick. WE were able to say a prayer for her and she was crying. She felt our love, and especially God's love. 

Justin is doing great. He literally kicked his girlfriend out of bed, because they can't sleep in the same bed because of the law of Chastity. So he grabbed her leg and yeah. Kicked her out of bed haha. Goed zo. I love him so much! He came to church. He understands the Sabbath Day so well! He said that when we take of the sacrement it's a piece of respect. He comes to church to grab some happiness. He is amazing. A gift from God.

I have been struggling lately with my prayers. I feel I'm talking to no one. Have you ever felt like that before? So Sunday in sacrement, they said the sacrement prayer. ' Oh God, eeuwige Vader'. The Spirit testified to me that God is my ETERNAL FATHER. He will always love me. I could really feel His love.

I know God loves me. Because He loves me I love Him. I'm working on my prayers, by thinking more about what I want to tell my Father and by being silent after saying my prayer. If I get a prompting I write it down. That really helps me.

I know God needs me here. He has a plan for you too. His plan for me is to be here in Suriname, but it can be completely different for you. He knows you. Never forget that! In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Zuster Spijkerman

pic: Me happy with new clothes from home 

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