woensdag 28 maart 2018

Mission Life #54 Hectiek

Maandag 12 maart 2018

Hi everyone! I have 10 minutes to tell you about the craziest week of my mission so far.

We went to Kwatta on Tuesday, because sister Jordan and I had to do visa stuff to be 100% legal. We got a phone call that the other sisters were in a car accident. Zr Woolsey was in the Emergency Room for something, all day. But she's alive! Nothing is broken or anything. It's a miracle. A lot of blood and stuff, but she came home the same day. She needs to rest a lot. But she's doing good.
We had interviews with mission president and we had zone conference! We talked  a lot about our desires. It was really good. We had Philippine food! It was good.
Ugly buses in Suriname 

We had an amazing lesson with a less active.  She's from Brasil. During planning we really felt like we should give her the 21 day challenge. And she was just like 'this is what I needed' and she came up with an idea to have Family Home Evening with another less active Brazilian and the recent convert of Parbo North. That would be so good. She asked us if we can help her with English, and then afterwards go to an appointment. She was just an answer to our prayers and concerns. It was just so amazing to see that she was an answer to our prayers and we were an answer to her prayers.

I know that God is with us during planning. I know that if we plan with the Spirit, we will have spiritual lessons. I'm grateful that God is there to help us every time we need him. I know he loves all of his children. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

Justin and his bird. He told his bird to say cheese.

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