woensdag 28 maart 2018

Mission LIf #53 Trinidad Mission Home/Office and more

Maandag 5 maart 2018

I have a lot to tell you all!  

I went to Trinidad on my birthday! It was so fun! We talked to Chinese people at the airport. It was a lot of fun. On of them took a picture of us, cause that's what they do. I'm kind a sad we didn't take a picture with him, oh well. His name was Bobbi. We talked about religion, but they aren't religious at all, because they didn't grew up with that. It was nice to talk them about God.

We arrived in the mission home. We had lunch and we helped sister Egbert preparing the food. Sister Jordan and I also played the piano and sang  primary hymns. Wow it was amazing. Sister Egbert loved it too haha. It was awesome. We met other zone leaders from all over the mission, which was a lot of fun. AND I SAW ZUSTER BARKER AGAIN. Wow I almost lost it. I missed her so much. We also met the STL's from Trinidad. They are both from Trinidad. I actually knew one of them. Remember I served in Trinidad for a week? She came out teaching with us a lot. And now she is a sister missionary. She is waiting for her companion to get her visa. She can't leave, because then her companion doesn't have a companion, because they are the only 2 sisters in Trinidad.

Tuesday night was so awesome. We reported and talked a lot about the concerns of our missionaries. It was so good. On Wednesday we had MLC all day long. It was so spiritual! I shared my experience of Justin. In the night we had a scripture study with all of us pretty much, because one of the elders had a question, so president answered it through the scriptures. I've never been so spiritually tired. It was really good though!

Friday was really rustig. We just ate and chatted with the other missionaries. WE also took a lot of pictures. Then it was time to go.  We came home at like 10:45 PM. So late. yeah. next morning we biked back to Rainville. It feeled good to bike again. Although not sweating for a couple days is nice too. I forgot that that is possible haha.

We had an amazing lesson with Justin. We put him on a baptismal date for April 7th! He cried the whole lesson. He feels the Spirit. He's kind of scared of that emotional feeling, but it's so awesome to see someone learning to recognize the Spirit. But he accepted to be baptized. We asked how he felt. Silence. We asked again a minute later. He said he felt good. YEASS. I was so happy. And then Sunday he came to church. I was so so so happy. I couldn't stop smiling when I saw him entering the church. He participated during the lessons. He loved it!

Although we had many spiritual experiences with Justin, I also want to share another spiritual experience. Last week we contacted a Hindu man. His wife was sitting behind him and she told us with hand gestures that we needed to talk to him, because she is Christian. It was really funny. 
Eventually she came too. We asked them if we could help them with anything and they asked us to pray for them. I never really know what they expected. But I offered a prayer and I really felt the Spirit and I felt like a representative of Jesus Christ. He helped the sick and afflicted, we did the same. And I trusted God that I wouldn't say anything against the Spirit (Just like Amulek in Alma 11:22 NL)

Last Friday we called her to set up an appointment and she told us that our prayer really worked. She said she knew God sent us and that the Lord answered our prayer. We had a lesson with them yesterday. She was just so happy with us.

I know I'm a disciple of Christ, but not only that, I'm a representative of Jesus Christ. I love Him with all my heart. I got a lot of spiritual promptings last week during MLC. I felt so much love for my mission. Being out a year makes me more grateful for the things I've learned so far and for the things I will learn. I'm so exited for this last part of my mission. I love my mission. Love is so important. Love is the very essence of the gospel. I know Christ lives. He gives us peace. He gives me peace. I want to testify of Him in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

I love you all!! Pray for Justin!

Zuster Spijkerman

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