maandag 4 september 2017

Mission life #24 crocodile or lizzard?

Maandag 14 augustus 2017

Okay I will explain the title.
Zuster Barker was convinced she saw a crocodile, but I think it was a big brown lizzard. No picture, sorry. But there are crocodiles here so who knows!!!

The beginning of the week was a little bit rough. And I'm not sure why. Maybe it was because we were not exactly obedient (went out the door 5 minutes late etc) and we didn't use are time wisely. Sometimes you're just a little bit slow you know cause you are tired. So I wasn't as diligent as I should be. BUT zone conference changed my life. It was about the Atonement. It was soo good! We talked about making goals, plans and of course we talked about Jesus Christ. It gave me motivation and we are working so hard again! It is the best feeling ever. Am I tired? Yes, but just like president Egbert said in Zone conference, you will miss the feeling of being spiritually tired. So I'm grateful that I can be tired, cause then I know I worked really hard. Ik heb voldoening. 

Oh Wednesday we had a lesson with the cutest old happy grandma I've ever met. We sang Gethsemane (not in children songbook sorry I lied oops) and she cried. THE SPIRIT OF GOD LIKE A FIRE WAS BURNING. It was amazing. 

GOOD NEWS! Our friend is getting married this Wednesday so she's gonna get baptized on Saturday!!! I am so excited!!!

Spiritual experience this week:
I lost my glasses! And I have other glasses I can wear, but they are not as comfortable as the other ones. So I prayed, prayed, prayed. And a thought came to my mind. My bike fell at a members house, so I thought that it might have fallen off then. So we went to the house and I prayed in my heart that my glasses would be there unharmed. And we were there and my glasses were just laying there. Unharmed. Nothing wrong with it. I was so happy, grateful! God is good all the time! I know God answers my prayers. I am grateful that I can turn to Him in prayer. I know I have a Heavenly Father, and I will do everything I can to really know Him. I know He loves me and that's why He sent His son. I know They both love me and all the people here in Suriname. I'm grateful He chose me to serve these people. 

Mi lobi yu!
Zuster Spijkerman

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