maandag 4 september 2017

Mission Life #27 using a plant as an umbrella omdat het kan

Maandag 4 september 2017

Joëlle's district met zuster Barker en elder Dubbeld uit Utrecht
Hi everyone!
So what happened this week?
How is everybody? Has school started already? How is life?
Life here is really good! This week we decided to work really hard. It was hard, trust me. The sun is a huge obstacle. BUT we can do all things through Christ right? So we did it. I yelled a lot, because we have to yell “klop klop” all the time (knock knock), but people can’t hear us so we have to yell really loud haha. It’s fun. I sound angry sometimes, whoops. Oh well. It’s their salvation!

Funny things first:

Because I want to end and leave you with the Spirit. Hahahah this is too funny. There was a guy haha. He was biking, holding a plant or something and he said “Ik heb geen paraplu, ik ben zo alenig.” So he had no umbrella (to protect him from the sun) so he is feeling lonely. So he used the plant as an umbrella hahahahahah. Wow we laughed so hard. People her in Suriname are crazy haha.

There was a creepy huge big iew bug in my drawer. We killed it with bugspray. I screamed a lot haha.

Anyway, this week was amazing! So I want to tell you all about it.

So we are working in one specific area at the time, but we finished ours, so we had to pick a new one. Of course we prayed. No answer. We just looked up some potentials. But we had to pick a new designated contacting area. So we prayed again. Then I thought I received an answer, but zuster Barker got another answer. I was so confused. So I prayed again by myself and we decided to just go. So we went to this street and we had some really good and spiritual contacts! It is actually so fun to talk to people! Just random people you meet every day. With their stories and their faiths and believes. It’s amazing! That we had so many spiritual contacts was a confirmation to me that this was good. We were doing the work in the area where God wanted us to do His work.

So I want to tell you about two investigators this week. One is guy that knows where Zwolle is because he used to live there! But he is really really poor. Like he has no food (people here are really poor, it is really sad…). So before we left our apartment I thought “maybe I should bring a snack, because we won’t get home in like 5 hours.” Then after the lesson with him, he was telling us that he hasn’t eaten all day. And I remembered that I put the crackers in my bike bag, so I could give it to him. He was so happy!
I didn’t realize it was the Spirit telling me to bring those crackers, but now I do. God works in mysterious ways sometimes. It is awesome! Sometimes we don’t recognize that He is talking to us, but if you recognize it eventually, that is good. It’s a process. And we have the rest of our lives to learn how to recognize spiritual promptings.

The second is a motherl. I LOVE HER. She has having a hard time with her son with autism.  But we can see that the gospel helps her a lot. And she sees that too! We took different members to her and it was amazing! They all could relate somehow. Members are so important! We gave her a General Conference Liahona so she could read President Thomas S. Monson’s talk. She just reads the Book of Mormon every day AND a talk. We don’t even ask her to read a talk, but she always picks the perfect ones. One of the talks was about the priesthood, that day we wanted to talk about the priesthood.
The other one was about certain women and we wanted to talk about enduring to the end and how she can do that. She definitely is a certain woman! I’m gonna miss her so much! But God needs me somewhere else.

zo groeit ananas
I’m leaving tomorrow and I will be flying all day pretty much #fun. I’m a little bit scared, but I believe in God, and just like Alma and Amulek, I have work to do here so I won’t die. I know God lives. Hij is een levendige God. I love sharing the gospel. Sometimes it’s hard! But just do it! It will get easier. So I invite you all to pray for an opportunity to share the gospel this week. I will pray to :p I know you can do it!

Mi lobi yu!
Zuster Spijkerman


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