maandag 4 september 2017

Mission Life #25 Baptism and monkeys

Maandag, 21 augustus 2017

Okay let met tell ya. This last couple days were AMAZING. So.... 

I'm in the war chapters (of the Book of Mormon red.) right now. I never thought that I could learn so much from that. But I read Alma 48:16. The first sentence said: "And also, that God would make it known unto them whither they should go (...)." And I thought of that scripture all day. Someone canceled an appointment and we were on exchanges so I had to decide what we should do. So I thought of that scripture, that God would make it known unto me wither I would go. And I called a guy and asked if he was available that night. And he said yes! And we had a really spiritual lesson with him! I also thought of that scripture on Friday when our investegator didn't show up for her baptismal interview. I wanted to stay and wait for her. But I knew we had to leave. So we went contacting and found this really nice, cute girl! I know that because I read the Book of Mormon I knew what to do. That scripture helped me learn more about God, because if I rely on Him He will tell me what to do!

I want to know God better, so I'm praying in my prayers before personal study that I can learn something about Him. And I learned more about God. It's amazing. The Book is true!


Yeah, our investigator she still needed an interview before her baptism, but she didn't show up and we couldn't reach her. I was so mad, frustrated and disappointed. I just prayed a lot. she didn't answer her phone. So the next day (Saturday) in the morning I called her and I prayed that she would answer. She answered and we were able to schedule the baptismal interview (3 hours before her baptism!) and everything was good. It was amazing to see her in white. Finally! When she was back in the room I asked her "how do you feel?" She said: "indescribable".

The next day in church she wasn't there. During sacrament I was just asking God why this happened and if I did something wrong. I was crying and then zuster Barker whispers "she is here". Wow I was so happy. The whole day I was so happy. I know I felt the Spirit because I was so happy. Mijn dag kon niet meer stuk!!!

WOW. we went to a nature park. AND WE SAW MONKEYS. It was amazing. 

Funny things that happened:
On Sunday we called someone and he fell asleep during the call haha. 

A dog bit my bike and my tire was flat. We were at a members house so a member (president Verwey) helped us fix it. He was a miracle, because withouth my bike wow I'm nothing. Okay I can't do anything. Without Christ and God I'm nothing.

A member told me that I will become a brownie, because I'm getting dark. 

I know that this gospel is true. I am sooo grateful that I am called to share the gospel! Wow its's amazing. I'm so happy today wow.

I'm gonna send a lot of pictures! I love you all!!!!!!! (red. sorry ik ga ze niet allemaal plaatsen)

Zuster Spijkerman

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