dinsdag 26 september 2017

Mission Life #29 Donkeys, Curacao en Zone conference

Maandag, 18 september 2017

Hi everyone!

Wow there are so many donkeys here!! It is crazy. It's awesome. 

We have a new designated contacting area. Contacting is different here. Not everyone is as nice as in Suriname, so I have to get used to that. But I trust God! We are praying to find those that are prepared.
It's hard to find them, but I know that they are out there! So we keep looking and working hard! The members in this area are great! I think we are also here to help them. So I'm excited to help the people here in Bonaire! We know the area a little bit now, so that is really helpful too! 

Thursday we got a call from a man. He said that we had an appointment, but we had no idea who he was. We looked in the area book. No name of this man. But he told us that he wasn't available that day, so we scheduled another appointment for Saturday. And wow he is prepared!

We had zoneconference last week and president told us how our first key lesson should go. It is more like asking questions so you can get to know their believes and stuff. And wow he has such a strong testimony of God the Father! It was awesome! It was a really spiritual lesson. It was a miracle. He just came out of nowhere! If he hadn't call us we had no idea he even existed haha. Oh ... before we got to his house we stopped and a lady asked us if we needed help.  So we told her that we needed to go to Kaya Haarlem. So she said we went too far, we needed to go back. But we had a feeling we were on the right street. We decided to walk a little bit. Then a man came out the house and it was this man! Can you imagine what would have happened if we went the other way!? Wow God knows best. Sorry, not mother knows best, sorry mother Gothel.

It is really God who knows best. 

I mentioned that we had zone conference! We went to Curacao. We got there, and they didn't let hermane Montenegro in the country/island. So she needed to go back to Bonaire. President sended someone with her so she wouldn't be alone. They went back to Bonaire and we went to the hotel with president and sister Egbert. IT WAS GLORIOUS.
The food was awesome. It was amazing. Zone conference was amazing too. We waited in church all day, till 8 o'clock. Then we went back to the hotel and sister Egbert, sister Jordan and I went to a Dutch cheesery. There was a saxophonist, Benji. He was amazing! we talked to him and he is really spiritual! You should look him up on youtube! (Okay not missionaries, cause you are not allowed). He will be a member one day, hopefully this year, so we can listen to his music haha. 

Anyway, I know God prepares his people to receive the restored gospel. I know this gospel is true. I know that being a missionary is truly a blessing. A blessing for me and for my family. And it all started with that elder that baptized my dad (and also the elder that baptized my mom). They blessed the lifes of my parents and my family.
I know that I can do the same here. I know God has a plan for each and everyone of us. We are all part of God's plan. I know He loves all of his children. I know with all of my heart that God is my Father. "Wij zijn dochters van een hemelse Vader, die van ons houdt en wij houden van Hem." (Young women theme). I know these things are true. In the name of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Zuster Spijkerman

ps I read something awesome in the Book of Mormon this morning. It's in 3 Nephi 13:32
"For your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things." I want to testify that God knows what we need. He will provide! I know He will.


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