maandag 4 september 2017

Mission Life #26 Transfers

Maandag 28 augustus 2017.

Hallo allemaal!!

Crazy news!
So last Saturday we were out contacting and we were talking to this man for what felt like eternity. The assistants called, but we rejected it. Afterwards we called them. No one answered. But they called back. And they were like "yeah due to changes and flights coming in, president asked us to call a week earlier, so are you ready for your transfer call?"
"Uuuhm,  I'm not sure", I answered. Then they told me that I will go to BONAIRE DUTCH SPEAKING. Wow crazy. My bike fell, I was so surprised. I prayed for going there though, so it's okay. So I'm flying there next week on Tuesday. I'm scared, nervous, excited, happy. ALLES IN 1. (all in one)

Anyway we had a lesson this week with a 9-year-old. She is amazing. Wow. she reminds me of the queen, Lamoni's wife. In Alma 19:10. "And Ammon said unto her: Blessed art thou because of thy exceeding faith; I say unto thee, woman, there has not been such great faith among all the people of the Nephites." She has so much faith. She goes to a church every week, without her parents. At the end of the lesson we wanted to make a return appointment and she told us that her friends would sit with us next time. And that lesson was so spiritual! We shared the first vision. The sun was shining behind me. It was perfect. I know they felt the Spirit. And they all committed to read the pamphlet and pray and ask God if this is true. It was amazing. God is Groot.

One of our investigators came to church for the first time! He said it was a big step for him, so he didn't stay the full 3 hours, but he came! And I think he read the whole book of Mormon already, but he didn't really understand, because we only taught him the first key lesson, about God is our loving Heavenly Father. He cut is hair en alles. AMAZING. 

We have a progressing investigator. She has not come to church, but for the rest, she understands EVERYTHING. Wow. I'm gonna miss her a lot. 

We took our new convert to a lesson! It's amazing to take recent converts, because their testimony is burning within them. It was awesome to have her there! 

Well time is up. But I am doing so good. I feel good. I am happy to do God's work. Pray  for me, because it is sooooo hot here! Dry season started. I love you all! Have an amazing week! Good luck with school, on your mission, alles. 

Zuster Spijkerman

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