dinsdag 26 september 2017

Mission Life # 28 Bonaire

Maandag 11 september 2017

Wow crazy.

Anyway HI! Or I should say Ola! como estan?

I'm in Paradise!
It is amazing here! We are right by the ocean, blue blue ocean. I don't have a lot of time, but this week was crazy getting to know everything, help cleaning the other sisters apartment because it was nasty. Our apartment is so nice! We live next to members and they are amazing! 


I want to bear my testimony that I know God is real. Last Friday we went to Gio's to eat ice cream with the Young Women. We shared a short lesson and because not everyone speaks the same language (some speak Papaimentu, some Dutch, some English, some not, some Spanish). So we spoke all of them.. well I could not speak more than English and Dutch. But when the other sisters bore there testimony in Spanish or Papaimentu (one of them) I felt the Spirit soo strong. I don't have to understand the language. Understanding the language of the Spirit is more important.
I know God helped me feeling the Spirit. God is there to help us, comfort us and work with us. Yesterday we had to bike really far and we couldn't find it so we biked for 75 minutes! I was about to give up, but then this man pulled over and asked us if we could find it. I said no. He helped us out. And we found it! God is really there! He is a good God! 


Well, I'm save here in Bonaire! Tuesday I will fly to CuraÇao for zone conference. I'm excited! This mission is crazy but I love it! I know I'm here for a reason and I'm excited to meet the people I'm here for. 

Lots of love,
Zuster Spijkerman

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