maandag 7 augustus 2017

Mission Life #23 Druk, druk, druk,

Maandag 7 augustus 2017.

Hi everyone!
De tijd is zeer kort... we always sing that song for district meeting. Anyway. I don't have a lot of time. But I want to tell you my spiritual highlight of the week. 

Friday we had correlation meeting with the Branch mission leader and it took forever. It was really good though, because the district president (president Verwey, he has served his mission in the Netherlands a couple of years ago red.) was there to help us have a better and effective correlation meeting. After that we had a lesson planned, but we were late and I was hungry so ik had geen zin in de les. I wasn't looking forward to the lesson.
But we said a prayer ans asked that it would be a spiritual lesson. AND IT WAS. We talked about the Restoration. We gave him Alma 32 to read about faith. And the whole lesson was about faith and the Restoration. Faith is so important! It's the first step of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It was amazing to see that following up on commitments makes the biggest difference. The Spirit was so strong that I almost cried. We asked him if he ever wondered why there are so many churches. And he said he has. So we were able to explain why. And the Spirit testified to me that this is why I'm here. To help people understands that the Restoration was needed, because the fulness of the gospel was not on the earth. The full truth was not on the earth after Jesus Christ. And people don't know that. And that's why I'm here. To help them understand that the FULL truth is on the earth. Wow it was amazing. Echt mooi. 

We fasted yesterday and we fasted for an investigator L.   also for the members and other investigators,. That they will have the desire to come to church. And we had 4 investigators in church and there were just a lot of people in church ' the Spirit of God like a fire was burning'. It was amazing. God really listens to our prayers and He answers our prayers. In Dutch you would say Hij hoort en verhoort onze gebeden. He really does. So I know that God hears me. Also my little prayers I say in my heart. 

A other experience was with L.. We were at her place we were waiting for her , because she was almost home. So she came home and we wanted to enter the house. But the door wouldn't open. We tried and tried, but it didn't work. We decided to pray. And still it didn't work for five minutes, But after that we were able to open the door at the perfect time. Because her son, started crying and everything. God really answers our prayers at the right time. After we pray, we should work. We shouldn't stop working. We could see that we kept trying, and because of that God was able to give us an idea how to open the door. If we stopped trying, we wouldn't have gotten that idea. God is groot. I know He is. And I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. amen.

Mi lobi yu!!

Zuster Spijkerman
Ps Send me pictures of your life! 


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