zondag 25 februari 2018

Mission LIfe #51 Finding God's children

Maandag, 19 febuari 2018

Finding God's children... That's what we did this week. Basically all of our appointments fell through... Yes... I think we had like 10 planned lessons. For the rest we contacted. We had some awesome experiences!

Tuesday our appointment fell trough at like 7 pm, so we decided that God really wanted us to find someone. So we continued where we stopped. I said a quick prayer, because I really didn't want to go contacting after doing that for 2 or 3 hours already. I asked my Father to bless us with a spiritual experience. And He gave me one. Right after I said the prayer the lady said that we could come in. We sat down and started talking to her. We asked her why she let us in and she said that she felt something, something told her that we preached the word of God and she wanted to listen to that. So we made a return appointment. That family is so proper. High standards. You don't see that a lot now-a-days. I was so grateful that my Heavenly Father heard my little prayer. I know He heard it because He answered it. 

We also met a guy Justin. We needed bread so we just stopped at the Chinese winkel and the man started talking to me about my choice of bread. Jij gaat praten tegen mij? Dan ga ik praten tegen jou. So he told us how confused he was about religion, which one is true. Well, let me help you out! So he gave us his information.

On Wednesday we met someone who saw us biking all the time. She was glad that it was her turn. She was really cool! We had branch coordination and branch council. We went home afterwards and we called president, because we had a question. He answered our question and he also told us that zuster Campbell and I are staying in Rainville! We are going to Kwatta for just a day, because sister Bokai is leaving Tuesday morning ðŸ˜ž and the new sister is coming Tuesday night! ðŸ˜„ That was an answer to our prayers and our fast. Thank you new sister! 

Thursday was a good day of contacting. We met a girl. We could see the pain in her eyes. We could tell that she needs Jesus. So we testified of Christ and made a return appointment. 

Friday... Rain... Appointments fell through. Our only option was to go contacting. But we are in a buurt where everyone works in the morning, so no one was home. We decided that this was not effective. So we looked up a referral but she spoke Sranan. I'm pretty sure she told us that it was raining, so we should come back next week. I'm not sure though. So we still had 45 minutes till lunch. We decided to pray, because we had no idea what to do.

A couple options came to my mind, but I felt the best about going to a former contact we had. She told us that we shouldn't just stop at her house, because she is always busy. But I felt like we should try her. I prayed our whole way there, because why are we trying her if she told us not to do that haha. But I prayed with real intent, so we went. And she was literally outside mobbing and she immediately let us in if like she was waiting for us. She told us her whole lifestory. She told us that the Lord told her to go back to Suriname (she lived in Nederland for a long time), but she doesn't know why. I think it's because she needed to meet us. It was so amazing. God answered our prayers. It was a blessing. 

We had a lesson with Justin (see Tuesday). He is looking for the truth. He is so confused. It's so cool that we can help him!

Saturday we contacted all day. At the end of the night our appointment fell through with our most progressing investigator (this was the 8th time she cancelled). I was so done. So I just prayed for good contacts, cause I had no motivation. It was raining en alles. Then we found 2 awesome people. One of them just needed us at that time. Not sure how interested she is, but she needed us, so that was cool. 

Sunday we planted a seed. He was smoking and said that he doesn't go to church because then he needs to change. If he would go to church he'd go to EBG because he grew up with that. He said that every religion elke stroming in Christianity is the same. I was like uuuhu no. So we started talking about the Restoration. He didn't say anything. He felt the Spirit. And then we left. 

It's been a good week. I'm glad we are staying in Rainville. God answered a lot of my prayers this week. I know that if you pray, God will answer yours. Because He loves you! He knows you! I invite you to pray everyday and to express your love and gratitude for Him. I know He lives. I love Him. I know this is His church. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Zuster Spijkerman

Mission LIfe #50 HIS TRUTH

Maandag 12 februari 2018.

Hi everyone!
It has been a good week of finding and teaching.
Monday night we spent some time finding lost less actives. We stopped by one a couple houses last week, but no one was home, or they didn't live there anymore. But the less active was home Monday night! It was a miracle, because she told us she is moving next week. No one has her phone number or anything, so she would've been lost. So God put us in the right place at the right time. The same night a guy hit on us. He really liked us. He doesn't live in our area so we had a good excuse to not give our phone number haha.

We had a really good sacrament meeting yesterday. There was a kid sitting with his dad in front of the church. He was really quiet and reverent while he took from the sacrament. After he had taken from the sacrament he had the biggest smile on his face. The Spirit just testified to me that everyone may take from the sacrament, because it is a reminder of His great atoning sacrifice. And he has accomplished the Atonement for all of us. Not only men, or women. All people. Kids, youngsters, adults, everyone.

I know this is the true church, because we have the fullness of the gospel, the gospel of Jesus Christ.

I read in Mosiah 23:10.
10 Nevertheless, after much tribulation, the Lord did hear my cries, and did answer my prayers, and has made me an instrument in his hands in bringing so many of you to a knowledge of his truth.

We are bringing many of his children to a knowledge of His truth. Not the truth of Joseph Smith, but of Him. Of God. And He always works through prophets. He proclaims his truth through prophets, teachers, missionaries! (aka me and many others). We bring the world HIS truth. Members, Non-members, recent convert. We had a lesson with a recent convert and she said that God is 'lief' towards us, so we need to be 'lief' (sweet, nice, lovely, loving) towards Him. It's so simple, but so true. The gospel is plain and simple.

We have been teaching the Restoration a lot and every time I feel the Spirit testifying to me that this is His church. I know this is His church, it's his truth, and I'm glad I can be an instrument in His hands to proclaim His truth. I know it's HIS work and HIS glory. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Zuster Spijkerman

Mission Life # 49 God is Love

 Maandag 5 februari 2018.

Good afternoon!
How are you? Tell me how you are doing! I really want to know. I love you all! I love the people here in Suriname. It's so crazy that you are able to love people in like 5 minutes.

We had a lesson with our most progressing investigator. It was the first time teaching her for me at least. And I could just feel God's love for her. She has a really hard life, so we told her that baptism will help her start a new life. She really wants to get baptized, but she needs to come to church.

We had a lot of time to go contacting this week. So we found amazing people. We were at this house, writing some stuff down. Then a car pulled over. Awkward. Well I just don't care about that anymore. I'm a missionary. So many things are awkward. But awkward is good. So we talked to him.
He wasn't mad or anything. He said that he will get his wife. But his wife was busy, so he told us to come back later that night. So we did. It's a family! They have 2 daughters. And you know what? They live across the street from us haha. So great. I love them. Then we contacted this other house. They were about to leave. We didn't want to bother them, but we did anyway haha. And the girl (5 years old) hugs us immediately! I had never seen her in my life, but she felt good around us I guess. And the people we talked to were super outgoing super nice! I love them haah. In 5 minutes.
The gospel helps me to love people. To have charity. Charity is what keeps me going. Love is my motive. My motivation. What is yours?
And then... yesterday.
Yesterday during contacting we weren't sure if we should try a lady we contacted before. She said she would call us. She never did. But we decided to just klop. She let us in! And she just broke down in front of us. She told us of her struggles right now. I really felt God's love for her. I really felt like a representative of Jesus Christ. We just listened to her. She trusted us. She recognized us as servants of the Lord. We were able to share some scriptures out of the Bible with her. She had a lot of questions about how you can recognize answers to prayers.

I'm so grateful that I have learned to recognize the answers. Sometimes I still don't, but I'm learning. And I can help others recognize their answers. We testified of a loving Heavenly Father. We were definitely an answer to her prayers and she was an answer to our prayers.

I want to testify of a loving Heavenly Father. That sentence is so powerful. That's the first thing the missionaries told my mom. She felt the Spirit and knew she had to listen to the missionaries. I know that God loves all of His children. I'm grateful that He puts me in places where I need to be. He needs me, I need Him, everyone needs Him. A member said yesterday dat we alles kunnen bereiken met God. I know that's true. We can reach our goal, we can reach our potential. I want to testify of God's love in the name of His only Begotten Son, the Redeemer of the world, Jesus Christ, amen.

Zuster Spijkerman

Mission Life # 48 REJOICE, be the salt of the earth

Maandag 29 januari 2018

How is everyone!? I'm doing good! This week was really interesting. I've spent the first half of the week in Kwatta. We had interviews with the mission president. It was really good. While zuster Jordan had her interview, a boy came and asked if we had work for him so he could have some money to buy some food. We were in the church building, so we told him that we didn't know if he good do a chore or something and we can't give money. But that afternoon I was making dinner to take with me for interviews and I felt prompted to take a lot of food with me. I thought maybe for president and sister Egbert, but nope it was for this boy.

Last Sunday I gave away my water to a man who wanted us to buy him soda (but it was Sunday). So Wednesday I gave away the food I didn't eat. It felt really good. I also got the letter from the Gerrits family! Thanks!!

Thursday we had an amazing lesson with a dear family. They always take forever to get ready, so we decided to talk to some people on the street. So we talked to this guy. Not interested, didn't want a pamphlet. But we got to know him a little bit, so at the end he wanted a pamphlet! Gospel changes hearts. So yeah, the lesson with the family we watched the Restoration video. It brought the Spirit. They all felt good and happy. We testified, sister C. testified. THE SPIRIT OF GOD LIKE A FIRE IS BURNING. The Spirit was really strong. It feels so comfortable.

Friday was zone conference! It was so good. Really motivated me to not only be an obedient missionary, but also a diligent and consecrated passionate missionary. I really needed that.

So the other half of the week I was in Rainville. I'm back! It's weird to be back. I started my mission in Suriname here. The area is kind off dead. BUT niet gevreesd. It won't stay like that, because my companion and me are determined to find people and baptize them. We were contacting and we met a lady who didn't live there, but she was just visiting from the Netherlands. But she is having a hard time, so we were an answer to her prayers. She gave us her information so the missionary in the Netherlands can visit her. She lives in Zaandam. It was a really cool experience. She needed us. We said a prayer with her. It's amazing to be the Lord's servants.
I want to share some things I learned during my personal study this week.

I read in 3 Nephi 12:13
13 Verily, verily, I say unto you, I give unto you to be the salt of the earth; but if the salt shall lose its savor wherewith shall the earth be salted? The salt shall be thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out and to be trodden under foot of men.
I felt the Spirit telling me, commanding me to be the salt of the earth. God needs me, because wherewith shall the earth be salted otherwise? I know I'm at the place God wants me to be. Rainville is a tough area, but I have faith, I want to work hard. I know that this area will grow. I know God has a plan for me and all of his children. I know this gospel is true. Because of it I have reason to rejoice.
Mosiah 4
11 And again I say unto you as I have said before, that as ye have come to the knowledge of the glory of God, or if ye have known of his goodness and have tasted of his love, and have received a remission of your sins, which causeth such exceedingly great joy in your souls, even so I would that ye should remember, and always retain in remembrance, the greatness of God, and your own nothingness, and his goodness and long-suffering towards you, unworthy creatures, and humble yourselves even in the depths of humility, calling on the name of the Lord daily, and standing steadfastly in the faith of that which is to come, which was spoken by the mouth of the angel.
12 And behold, I say unto you that if ye do this ye shall always rejoice, and be filled with the love of God, and always retain a remission of your sins; and ye shall grow in the knowledge of the glory of him that created you, or in the knowledge of that which is just and true.

My mission theme is rejoice. If we forgive we have a reason to rejoice, if we feel forgiven, we feel happy. We will grow in knowledge. He wants to give us that knowledge. He wants us to know Him. So I want to invite you to get to know God but praying with a sincere heart. He will hear you. He is God. God is love. Nothing can separate us from His love (Romans 8:35, 38-39). I love Him. I know He loves me. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Zuster Spijkerman

Mission life # 47 GOD IS GROOT

Maandag 22 januari 2018

Hello everyone!!! 
I'm so excited to write this email, because I had a lot of spiritual experiences this week. We just had a lot of good lessons again! 

Saturday night I was so tired and we just had a weird God lesson, so I just prayed that either the next lesson will fall through or that it would be a really Spiritual lesson. Well, the lesson didn't fall through. But we had a really spiritual lesson! God always answers my little prayers. I love it.

I've been praying a lot for the Spirit, because I realize how important the Spirit it is conversion. It's the Spirit that will change their hearts. So I've been praying and working on following the Spirit. Sometimes it's just hard to recognize the Spirit. But I realized that if your first thought is a good thought and it leads you to do something good, you should act upon that goo thought. So Wednesday we were contacting in our DCA when I saw this really good looking guy. He was walking towards his house. Zuster Campbell said that they already talked to that house, so we were about to skip the house. But I was like, did you talk to that guy and she said they didn't. So after hesitating, I knew what I had to do. It was a good thought and I needed to act upon it.

So we went over and started talking to him. He said that he was raised Catholic, but he knew it wasn't the right church, but he doesn't know which church is, so he stopped going to church. He was searching for the truth, so we made a return appointment. That appointment was yesterday. He opened up right away. He asked if we could pray for more peace and calmness (rust) around him. So we did. And there were a lot of kids in the playground behind us, but all the kids were gone at the end of the lesson. In the lesson he completely opened up. 2017 was a really bad year for him, so he wants to start over. His story is really sad, but I just felt so happy. I felt like Ammon, when the servants were so scared, and his heart was swollen of joy, because he could show him his power, God's power. This guy is searching. He is just like Joseph Smith. I was just so happy, because I knew that this gospel will and can give him all the answers he needs. The Spirit was so strong. 

I know that God leads me, guides me to those that are prepared by Him. I'm so grateful I can be His servant. I know that I'm at the place where I belong. I know that the prophets put us there where God and his children needs us the most. I know this gospel is the everlasting full gospel. It brings joy, it brings peace, it brings happiness. I know He is a living God who watches over me and all of His children. I know that he knows me, he loves me. And that just makes me so happy. I know the gospel is true, because it makes me happy. In the name of Jesus Christ. amen

I hope you all have a good week. I love you with all my heart. I will pray for you more often. Keep praying for me. That's the best thing you can do for me. Prayer is so powerful!

Mi lobi yu!
Zuster Spijkerman

zondag 11 februari 2018

Mission LIfe #46

Maandag 15 januari 2018

sorry I don't have time this week! It was a good week! Zuster Campbell and I were the only 2 sister missionaries in Suriname last Thursday. We had 4 investigators in church. I just want to testify that I know that God exists. I love Mosiah 4:9

Believe in God; believe that He is, and that He created all things, both in heaven and in earth; believe that he has all wisdom, and all power, both in heaven and in earth: believe that man doth not comprehended all the things which the Lord can comprehend.

Sometimes we don't understand why things happen,

24 But behold, all things have been done in the wisdom of Him who knoweth all things (2 Nephi 2:24).

His plan is a perfect plan. I learned to accept His plan on my mission. I need to rely on Him. Because this is His work and His glory, not mine. I'm just helping Him. And it's an honor to work together with Him. I love Him with all my heart. I invite you all to read the Book of Mormon, because that helps you understand his plan. You will grow closer to Him. I know these things and I say these things in the name of our Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen.

Zuster Spijkerman

Mission Life #45 quick update

Maandag, 8 januari 2018

Hello everyone!! 
We just had a lot of spiritual lessons last week.

President Egbert wants us to write down inspired answers. I want to share two answers I wrote down this week. Both from less actives actually. One was 'wonderen komen uit een wond'. Miracles come from wounds. I was thinking about that a lot. If we want to see miracles, we need to be wounded. We need to have a broken heart, so He can heal us. I remember my dad telling me that once. Thanks dad!

If we are meek and humble we can see miracles. We just need the eyes to see. The other one said: 'door beproevingen leren we Zijn wegen kennen.' We learn his ways trough trials. Trials make us more humble. Jesus's life wasn't easy. it was really hard. And He was so humble.

I know that if I'm humble and turn to Him and really inquire of Him in all my doings, I will see miracles. I know this church is true. I'm so grateful to be His servant. I'm grateful for the things I'm learning everyday. I thank my God everyday for this beautiful gospel. It gives me light, above the brightness of the sun. I know Joseph Smith was a prophet. He saw God and Jesus. He restored the gospel. I know Thomas S. Monson was a prophet. I know that he was inspired to talk about the Book of Mormon in his last conference. I'm so grateful for the Book of Mormon. Without it my life would be empty. It heals the wounded soul. Because of that I can see miracles. I have the eyes to see. I know these things are true.

I read in Jacob 5. At the end it is talking about that they labored with all their might. This is the last time, these are the Latter Days. Now is the time to shine and help other shine. Let your light shine! Serve one another. That's what brings joy, peace and happiness. in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

I love you all!!!!

Zuster Spijkerman

pics: We got a package from zr Hendricks!! Thanks!! Dragon fruit is so pink