dinsdag 26 september 2017

Mission LIfe #30 Doopdienst & Hour of Power!!!!

Maandag 25 september 2017

Bon tardi! Kon ta bai? Bon?
I hope you are doing good! I'm doing good!
We had a baptism on the beach this week. It was awesome. Our investigator is kinda like chill and doesn't really show emotion haha. I prayed a lot that his attitude would change, because I wanted him to feel a change when he was baptized. Usually when we ask how he is doing he says he's fine. But when we asked him yesterday he said he was doing good! I think that's a huge change. And also his testimony was amazing. It was really short. He said that he felt really happy after he was baptized and he was smiling a lot. The change in him is truly amazing. 

Another spiritual highlight was this last Thursdaynight from 6-7 pm. We have our weekly hour of power. In Utah all the Apostles and the prophet go to the temple and they pray for all  the missionaries there. So our mission wants to be an answer to their prayers. We decided to start biking towards our contacting area and talk to literally everyone we saw. We didn't skip anyone for 45 minutes. Wow it was amazing! There are so many people haha. So much potential. People were willing to listen and we got a lot of their contact information. It was so exciting! We also met a lot of people that could only speak Spanish. I don't know how we did it (okay I know it was God), but we were able to get their phonenumber and we were able to talk a little bit. God helped us a lot. It was truly amazing. AND SO FUN! WE FEARED NO MAN! 

I know that God works with the people and He works with, in and through us.
I'm here for a reason. I know that this gospel is true. It really does change peoples lives. It changes my life! I love the gospel and I know the gospel is true. Although it's hot here and I'm not gonna lie the biking is killing me sometimes, we are able to do His work, because that is what He wants from me, from us, and also from you! I'm reading in 3 Nephi and I love the chapters where Jesus Christ is coming to the Americas. I love the moment where He weeps. It shows to me that He really cares. I know He cares about me, but I also know that He cares about you! He loves you you know! Never ever forget that! 

21: And when he had said these words, he wept, and the multitude bare record of it, and he took their l 
ittle children, one by one, and blessed them, and prayed unto the Father for them.

In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Mi stima bo!
Zuster Spijkerman

Mission Life #29 Donkeys, Curacao en Zone conference

Maandag, 18 september 2017

Hi everyone!

Wow there are so many donkeys here!! It is crazy. It's awesome. 

We have a new designated contacting area. Contacting is different here. Not everyone is as nice as in Suriname, so I have to get used to that. But I trust God! We are praying to find those that are prepared.
It's hard to find them, but I know that they are out there! So we keep looking and working hard! The members in this area are great! I think we are also here to help them. So I'm excited to help the people here in Bonaire! We know the area a little bit now, so that is really helpful too! 

Thursday we got a call from a man. He said that we had an appointment, but we had no idea who he was. We looked in the area book. No name of this man. But he told us that he wasn't available that day, so we scheduled another appointment for Saturday. And wow he is prepared!

We had zoneconference last week and president told us how our first key lesson should go. It is more like asking questions so you can get to know their believes and stuff. And wow he has such a strong testimony of God the Father! It was awesome! It was a really spiritual lesson. It was a miracle. He just came out of nowhere! If he hadn't call us we had no idea he even existed haha. Oh ... before we got to his house we stopped and a lady asked us if we needed help.  So we told her that we needed to go to Kaya Haarlem. So she said we went too far, we needed to go back. But we had a feeling we were on the right street. We decided to walk a little bit. Then a man came out the house and it was this man! Can you imagine what would have happened if we went the other way!? Wow God knows best. Sorry, not mother knows best, sorry mother Gothel.

It is really God who knows best. 

I mentioned that we had zone conference! We went to Curacao. We got there, and they didn't let hermane Montenegro in the country/island. So she needed to go back to Bonaire. President sended someone with her so she wouldn't be alone. They went back to Bonaire and we went to the hotel with president and sister Egbert. IT WAS GLORIOUS.
The food was awesome. It was amazing. Zone conference was amazing too. We waited in church all day, till 8 o'clock. Then we went back to the hotel and sister Egbert, sister Jordan and I went to a Dutch cheesery. There was a saxophonist, Benji. He was amazing! we talked to him and he is really spiritual! You should look him up on youtube! (Okay not missionaries, cause you are not allowed). He will be a member one day, hopefully this year, so we can listen to his music haha. 

Anyway, I know God prepares his people to receive the restored gospel. I know this gospel is true. I know that being a missionary is truly a blessing. A blessing for me and for my family. And it all started with that elder that baptized my dad (and also the elder that baptized my mom). They blessed the lifes of my parents and my family.
I know that I can do the same here. I know God has a plan for each and everyone of us. We are all part of God's plan. I know He loves all of his children. I know with all of my heart that God is my Father. "Wij zijn dochters van een hemelse Vader, die van ons houdt en wij houden van Hem." (Young women theme). I know these things are true. In the name of the Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Zuster Spijkerman

ps I read something awesome in the Book of Mormon this morning. It's in 3 Nephi 13:32
"For your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things." I want to testify that God knows what we need. He will provide! I know He will.


Mission Life # 28 Bonaire

Maandag 11 september 2017

Wow crazy.

Anyway HI! Or I should say Ola! como estan?

I'm in Paradise!
It is amazing here! We are right by the ocean, blue blue ocean. I don't have a lot of time, but this week was crazy getting to know everything, help cleaning the other sisters apartment because it was nasty. Our apartment is so nice! We live next to members and they are amazing! 


I want to bear my testimony that I know God is real. Last Friday we went to Gio's to eat ice cream with the Young Women. We shared a short lesson and because not everyone speaks the same language (some speak Papaimentu, some Dutch, some English, some not, some Spanish). So we spoke all of them.. well I could not speak more than English and Dutch. But when the other sisters bore there testimony in Spanish or Papaimentu (one of them) I felt the Spirit soo strong. I don't have to understand the language. Understanding the language of the Spirit is more important.
I know God helped me feeling the Spirit. God is there to help us, comfort us and work with us. Yesterday we had to bike really far and we couldn't find it so we biked for 75 minutes! I was about to give up, but then this man pulled over and asked us if we could find it. I said no. He helped us out. And we found it! God is really there! He is a good God! 


Well, I'm save here in Bonaire! Tuesday I will fly to CuraÇao for zone conference. I'm excited! This mission is crazy but I love it! I know I'm here for a reason and I'm excited to meet the people I'm here for. 

Lots of love,
Zuster Spijkerman

maandag 4 september 2017

Mission Life #27 using a plant as an umbrella omdat het kan

Maandag 4 september 2017

Joëlle's district met zuster Barker en elder Dubbeld uit Utrecht
Hi everyone!
So what happened this week?
How is everybody? Has school started already? How is life?
Life here is really good! This week we decided to work really hard. It was hard, trust me. The sun is a huge obstacle. BUT we can do all things through Christ right? So we did it. I yelled a lot, because we have to yell “klop klop” all the time (knock knock), but people can’t hear us so we have to yell really loud haha. It’s fun. I sound angry sometimes, whoops. Oh well. It’s their salvation!

Funny things first:

Because I want to end and leave you with the Spirit. Hahahah this is too funny. There was a guy haha. He was biking, holding a plant or something and he said “Ik heb geen paraplu, ik ben zo alenig.” So he had no umbrella (to protect him from the sun) so he is feeling lonely. So he used the plant as an umbrella hahahahahah. Wow we laughed so hard. People her in Suriname are crazy haha.

There was a creepy huge big iew bug in my drawer. We killed it with bugspray. I screamed a lot haha.

Anyway, this week was amazing! So I want to tell you all about it.

So we are working in one specific area at the time, but we finished ours, so we had to pick a new one. Of course we prayed. No answer. We just looked up some potentials. But we had to pick a new designated contacting area. So we prayed again. Then I thought I received an answer, but zuster Barker got another answer. I was so confused. So I prayed again by myself and we decided to just go. So we went to this street and we had some really good and spiritual contacts! It is actually so fun to talk to people! Just random people you meet every day. With their stories and their faiths and believes. It’s amazing! That we had so many spiritual contacts was a confirmation to me that this was good. We were doing the work in the area where God wanted us to do His work.

So I want to tell you about two investigators this week. One is guy that knows where Zwolle is because he used to live there! But he is really really poor. Like he has no food (people here are really poor, it is really sad…). So before we left our apartment I thought “maybe I should bring a snack, because we won’t get home in like 5 hours.” Then after the lesson with him, he was telling us that he hasn’t eaten all day. And I remembered that I put the crackers in my bike bag, so I could give it to him. He was so happy!
I didn’t realize it was the Spirit telling me to bring those crackers, but now I do. God works in mysterious ways sometimes. It is awesome! Sometimes we don’t recognize that He is talking to us, but if you recognize it eventually, that is good. It’s a process. And we have the rest of our lives to learn how to recognize spiritual promptings.

The second is a motherl. I LOVE HER. She has having a hard time with her son with autism.  But we can see that the gospel helps her a lot. And she sees that too! We took different members to her and it was amazing! They all could relate somehow. Members are so important! We gave her a General Conference Liahona so she could read President Thomas S. Monson’s talk. She just reads the Book of Mormon every day AND a talk. We don’t even ask her to read a talk, but she always picks the perfect ones. One of the talks was about the priesthood, that day we wanted to talk about the priesthood.
The other one was about certain women and we wanted to talk about enduring to the end and how she can do that. She definitely is a certain woman! I’m gonna miss her so much! But God needs me somewhere else.

zo groeit ananas
I’m leaving tomorrow and I will be flying all day pretty much #fun. I’m a little bit scared, but I believe in God, and just like Alma and Amulek, I have work to do here so I won’t die. I know God lives. Hij is een levendige God. I love sharing the gospel. Sometimes it’s hard! But just do it! It will get easier. So I invite you all to pray for an opportunity to share the gospel this week. I will pray to :p I know you can do it!

Mi lobi yu!
Zuster Spijkerman


Mission Life #26 Transfers

Maandag 28 augustus 2017.

Hallo allemaal!!

Crazy news!
So last Saturday we were out contacting and we were talking to this man for what felt like eternity. The assistants called, but we rejected it. Afterwards we called them. No one answered. But they called back. And they were like "yeah due to changes and flights coming in, president asked us to call a week earlier, so are you ready for your transfer call?"
"Uuuhm,  I'm not sure", I answered. Then they told me that I will go to BONAIRE DUTCH SPEAKING. Wow crazy. My bike fell, I was so surprised. I prayed for going there though, so it's okay. So I'm flying there next week on Tuesday. I'm scared, nervous, excited, happy. ALLES IN 1. (all in one)

Anyway we had a lesson this week with a 9-year-old. She is amazing. Wow. she reminds me of the queen, Lamoni's wife. In Alma 19:10. "And Ammon said unto her: Blessed art thou because of thy exceeding faith; I say unto thee, woman, there has not been such great faith among all the people of the Nephites." She has so much faith. She goes to a church every week, without her parents. At the end of the lesson we wanted to make a return appointment and she told us that her friends would sit with us next time. And that lesson was so spiritual! We shared the first vision. The sun was shining behind me. It was perfect. I know they felt the Spirit. And they all committed to read the pamphlet and pray and ask God if this is true. It was amazing. God is Groot.

One of our investigators came to church for the first time! He said it was a big step for him, so he didn't stay the full 3 hours, but he came! And I think he read the whole book of Mormon already, but he didn't really understand, because we only taught him the first key lesson, about God is our loving Heavenly Father. He cut is hair en alles. AMAZING. 

We have a progressing investigator. She has not come to church, but for the rest, she understands EVERYTHING. Wow. I'm gonna miss her a lot. 

We took our new convert to a lesson! It's amazing to take recent converts, because their testimony is burning within them. It was awesome to have her there! 

Well time is up. But I am doing so good. I feel good. I am happy to do God's work. Pray  for me, because it is sooooo hot here! Dry season started. I love you all! Have an amazing week! Good luck with school, on your mission, alles. 

Zuster Spijkerman

Mission Life #25 Baptism and monkeys

Maandag, 21 augustus 2017

Okay let met tell ya. This last couple days were AMAZING. So.... 

I'm in the war chapters (of the Book of Mormon red.) right now. I never thought that I could learn so much from that. But I read Alma 48:16. The first sentence said: "And also, that God would make it known unto them whither they should go (...)." And I thought of that scripture all day. Someone canceled an appointment and we were on exchanges so I had to decide what we should do. So I thought of that scripture, that God would make it known unto me wither I would go. And I called a guy and asked if he was available that night. And he said yes! And we had a really spiritual lesson with him! I also thought of that scripture on Friday when our investegator didn't show up for her baptismal interview. I wanted to stay and wait for her. But I knew we had to leave. So we went contacting and found this really nice, cute girl! I know that because I read the Book of Mormon I knew what to do. That scripture helped me learn more about God, because if I rely on Him He will tell me what to do!

I want to know God better, so I'm praying in my prayers before personal study that I can learn something about Him. And I learned more about God. It's amazing. The Book is true!


Yeah, our investigator she still needed an interview before her baptism, but she didn't show up and we couldn't reach her. I was so mad, frustrated and disappointed. I just prayed a lot. she didn't answer her phone. So the next day (Saturday) in the morning I called her and I prayed that she would answer. She answered and we were able to schedule the baptismal interview (3 hours before her baptism!) and everything was good. It was amazing to see her in white. Finally! When she was back in the room I asked her "how do you feel?" She said: "indescribable".

The next day in church she wasn't there. During sacrament I was just asking God why this happened and if I did something wrong. I was crying and then zuster Barker whispers "she is here". Wow I was so happy. The whole day I was so happy. I know I felt the Spirit because I was so happy. Mijn dag kon niet meer stuk!!!

WOW. we went to a nature park. AND WE SAW MONKEYS. It was amazing. 

Funny things that happened:
On Sunday we called someone and he fell asleep during the call haha. 

A dog bit my bike and my tire was flat. We were at a members house so a member (president Verwey) helped us fix it. He was a miracle, because withouth my bike wow I'm nothing. Okay I can't do anything. Without Christ and God I'm nothing.

A member told me that I will become a brownie, because I'm getting dark. 

I know that this gospel is true. I am sooo grateful that I am called to share the gospel! Wow its's amazing. I'm so happy today wow.

I'm gonna send a lot of pictures! I love you all!!!!!!! (red. sorry ik ga ze niet allemaal plaatsen)

Zuster Spijkerman

Mission life #24 crocodile or lizzard?

Maandag 14 augustus 2017

Okay I will explain the title.
Zuster Barker was convinced she saw a crocodile, but I think it was a big brown lizzard. No picture, sorry. But there are crocodiles here so who knows!!!

The beginning of the week was a little bit rough. And I'm not sure why. Maybe it was because we were not exactly obedient (went out the door 5 minutes late etc) and we didn't use are time wisely. Sometimes you're just a little bit slow you know cause you are tired. So I wasn't as diligent as I should be. BUT zone conference changed my life. It was about the Atonement. It was soo good! We talked about making goals, plans and of course we talked about Jesus Christ. It gave me motivation and we are working so hard again! It is the best feeling ever. Am I tired? Yes, but just like president Egbert said in Zone conference, you will miss the feeling of being spiritually tired. So I'm grateful that I can be tired, cause then I know I worked really hard. Ik heb voldoening. 

Oh Wednesday we had a lesson with the cutest old happy grandma I've ever met. We sang Gethsemane (not in children songbook sorry I lied oops) and she cried. THE SPIRIT OF GOD LIKE A FIRE WAS BURNING. It was amazing. 

GOOD NEWS! Our friend is getting married this Wednesday so she's gonna get baptized on Saturday!!! I am so excited!!!

Spiritual experience this week:
I lost my glasses! And I have other glasses I can wear, but they are not as comfortable as the other ones. So I prayed, prayed, prayed. And a thought came to my mind. My bike fell at a members house, so I thought that it might have fallen off then. So we went to the house and I prayed in my heart that my glasses would be there unharmed. And we were there and my glasses were just laying there. Unharmed. Nothing wrong with it. I was so happy, grateful! God is good all the time! I know God answers my prayers. I am grateful that I can turn to Him in prayer. I know I have a Heavenly Father, and I will do everything I can to really know Him. I know He loves me and that's why He sent His son. I know They both love me and all the people here in Suriname. I'm grateful He chose me to serve these people. 

Mi lobi yu!
Zuster Spijkerman