vrijdag 28 april 2017

Mission life #9 Temple Square and more

Vrijdag, 28 april 2017

Soo this week was so much fun!! On monday I went to temple square!! It was raining, but I was just sooooooo happy. I couldn't stop smiling iieeeh! We vistited the church history museum, church history library, relief society building, conference center and visitor center and we took pictures in front of the temple. O my gosh it is sooooooooo pwetty!! I will send pictures. This computer won't let me, but I will find a computer that will let me. Stupid computer. #boos. Oh en voor dinner hadden we Subway broodjes me happy!! I loved monday. I felt the Spirit so strong. EVERYWHERE!

I have a goal of drinking more water! And it's going pretty well. Zuster Wallmann is helping me a lot. So I'm trying to teach the missionaries in my branch a  couple Dutch things. It is really funny hearing them trying ghehe. On tuesday we had a devotional. We sang Where Can I Turn For Peace with choir. It was amazing! Elder and Sister Arnold gave the devotional. A few things that stood out for me were:

- sister Arnold talked about bringing people to the light of Christ. Because everyone has the Light of Christ, but we are here to help them discover that. And I think that is really awesome. I love being a missionary.
- Elder Arnold talked about how we need to hear the music if we want to know how to dance. https://www.lds.org/media-library/video/2015-04-2060-elder-wilford-w-andersen?lang=eng#d so this is not the video he showed, but it is the same story. 

As you know I love music so I loved this video. We can't dance if we don't hear the music, aka the Holy Ghost. 

Here in the MTC I learned how to listen to the Holy Ghost. It is amazing! I really love love love the gospel! I know it is true! I know that God makes a covenant, although He knows we can't perfectly keep the commandments. In Moroni 10:33 Father promises us the Savior. That is part of our covenant! I never thought about that, but it is awesome. Also, I know Joseph Smith is a true prophet. Everything on temple square testifies of that. I felt it.

okesoo wednesday was awesome! We had awesome lessons. We taught a teacher (who pretented to be an investigator) with a group. So if you wanted to say something you could just start talking. and I really wanted to share a scripture, but we didn't have time for that. BUT with TRC (it is like a program where we teach people, not knowing if they are members or not) I was able to use exactly that scripture. God just prepared me to share that scripture with her. Te TRC lessons were soo good! I can't wait to teach the people in Suriname about jesus Christ!!!

Thursday we had In-field training, almost all day. We learned a lot about the work in the mission field. We did a lot of roleplays. It was good, but long! In the evening we had class. We taught our teacher as Tanya. And Tanya wants to be baptized jeeeh. Also our other teacher was there. It is the last time I will see her :(. BTW she is the wife of a singer in Vocal Point! Isn't that awesome!! We are her last district, because she is expecting a child in like 2 weeks. 

Today I am going to the Provo temple for the last time! I'm gonna miss the temple so much!! 

Well that's it for this week! I'm leaving on monday 3.30 am. So early! I'm going to Trinidad and Tobago first. I'm sooo excited! Good luck everything with everything you are doing right now! Don't forget. GOSPEL IS TRUE! That is my new motto geheh. Anyways.

Love you lots!
Zuster Spijkerman

Sorry deze week geen foto's van Joëlle ;-)

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