vrijdag 28 april 2017

Mission life # 8 Halo

Vrijdag, 21 april 2017

Helllo friends and family!!
Sooo, ik kan nog wel Nederlands, maar ik heb vrienden die alleen Engels kunnen, so I'm gonna do it in English... 

I love the MTC! I love learning and growing! But it is also really stressful. Everybody expects you to do sooo much and you don't have time to do everything. And I feel really bad when I don't do everything that is required. But it's a learning process I guess... 

We have 2 super awesome investigators (we don't know if they are members or not... but I like teaching them). We had really good lessons. We invited them to be baptized! So funny story. We taught with the three of us, Zuster Wallmann, Elder Santos and I. Elder Santos didn't have a companion, because his companion left the day before. (Now he has one, don't worry). He is soo awesome! He has the knowledge you need! He is a great example! And a great district leader!

My companion and I are getting along really well! I love her! And we are getting really good friends with the Dutch missionaries! It's fun to talk to them! 

funny things:
- I taught my whole district 'wat doe je' it is really funny. 
- the choir director is so funny
- We were exercising and everytime i touched someone I just electrocuted them. No not really but it was really scary, so I tried to stay away from people. It was really funny. I screamed everytime it happened. 
- We tried to make a song for the first vision, or not making a song, but just putting it on a Disney song. But it didn't work. Then we came up with the genius idea of putting it on a hymn!! But didn't work either haha. I took us like 40 minutes. Sorry God for wasting our time! But it was funny and I kind of memorized the first vision (in English though).

My testimony grew so much! I know God loves me! I could feel His love very strongly in the temple last week! It was awesome! Also the temple walk on sunday was awesome! The mountains here are so pwetty!!!!!!!! I love it here, but sometimes sitting still all the time drives met nuts. But it is fine! It is because we are preparing ourselves for being outside all day in the field. I am looking forward to that!

Oh ja! I'm learning Spanish... Kind of. 

Hola                                    Hallo
Como esta                         Hoe gaat het?
Muy Bien  y Tu?               Met mij gaat het goed, met jou?
Soy una Hija de Dios       Ik ben een kind van God.

Oooh ja, sorry voor m'n chaotische letter, maar elder Juan Ucede kwam deze week spreken. Really good devotional, about that we don't teach people, but we make disciples. Really cool!!!

 Gospel is true!!

 Lots of love,
Zuster Spijkerman

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