zondag 28 mei 2017

Mission life # 10 I can fly! 12 new investigators

Maandag 8 mei 2017

Hello from the other side!!
Okay so this week was insane and crazy. So Friday we went to the temple for the last time :( it was really good. Actually I don't remember a lot of last week sorry. Saturday we packed our stuff and did other things I don't remember. Sunday we had church, I did a musical number ' Baptism' from Paul Cardall... It's hard so it wasn't perfect. That day we had a departure devotional as well and we walked to the temple. I'm gonna miss the temple so much. sunday evening I received a blessing because I was freaking out about the flight and everything, since I had a lay over and I never had that before, because you know flying to the USA was the first time I flew. So that was really scary. The blessing gave me so much peace. I knew everything would be alright. After the blessing we said goodbye to our district. Sad moment. I cried. Miss you all @MTC friends!

So I slept for like 2 hours, cause I packed my last stuff and wrote in bye bye books or travel journal. We woke up at 2 am and we went to the travel office at 3.30 am. So early. Then on the airport it was only me who was going that direction and I was so early. Like 2 hours early. but I slept, wrote in my journal and I met a dad with his 2 sons (Mormons) who were going to Houston as well. Tender mercies. 

At the airport in Houston I met an elder who was going to Trinidad! Jeeh another tender mercy! Gotta love God. At the airport those people asked so many questions my gosh. I thought I was in school again, but I made it through. I was scared my suitcases wouldn't be there, but they were! Jeeh me. Made me happy. Then we finally got to meet president Egbert. He is awesome!

Tuesday we had orientation of how the mission is. This mission is really exact obedience oriented and the have 4 key lessons:

- God is our loving Heavenly Father
- Restoration
- Book of Mormon
- Atonement

After that you teach lesson 2-5. It's different.

So I was supposed to go to Suriname, but I'm stuck in Trinidad, because my MKV wasn't in my passport. So here I am. Doing missionary work in Trinidad till tomorrow. I will leave tomorrow. 

We have 12 new investigators!

So funny and weird things:
- We had a lesson with an investigator when his drunk friend joined us and asked why we weren't going to the bar to preach there.
- There is a guy who calls himself Happy and is ringtone is the song Happy.
- Bisshop almost forgot the sacrement.

- We had 1 pamflet and we wanted to give it away. So we prayed and we found someone! 
- So many lessons taught! 16!!! It's so crazy compared to Belgium!

Okay So for people with exams good luck!! @ Suetje and Esme! Happy Birthday!! I don't have  time to e-mail you right now I'm sorry!!

I'm learning a lot! I just need to get used to this mission. But I will get there. I pray a lot. I think of you! Love you all!

Lots of love,
Zuster Spijkerman

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