dinsdag 30 mei 2017

Mission life #13 pictures and more pictures

Maandag 29 mei 2017

Hiiii everyone! How is everyone doing?? I'm doing good! Do you remember I told you that I could still breath HA JK. This week was sooo hot! I burned a little bit, I sweat like crazy. Sorry if this is to much information, but it is dripping of my face and my shirt was wet. Soo you're wet pretty much all the time. If it's not rain it is sweat. Mjammie. 
Okay I'm just gonna tell you the highlights of the week. 

So on tuesday it was raining a lot. So I had a prayer in my heart that it wouldn't rain when we were outside. And literally when we stepped outside it stopped raining. When we were in an appointment it started raining. When we went outside again it stopped. All day. It was a great great miracle. 

We met a guy with parrots. O my gosh so funny. They talked a little bit haha. While we were talking to him I felt something on my leg. There are a lot of bugs here, so I thought it was a bug so I kicked my leg or did something weird so it would go away. BUT ughm there are a lot of dogs here as well... so I accidently kicked a dog. Oops. I felt so bad. 

We set a baptismal date with one of our investigators! She's been an investigator for over a year!! Sooo awesome. Her soon to be husband (they have to get married quick) is a member, less active. But they are awesome. And they have puppies. Sooooo cute. 

J. is one of our most prepared investigators. He knows it's time for him to change. He is so awesome. And he has really cute grandkids. 

M. is my favorite. She is the most prepared investigator ever. It doesn't matter what we talk about, she's like 'I know' or 'Oh okay awesome'. Her family lives in the Dominic Republic. She has 2 kids and she hasn't seen them for 10 years! She is working really hard to go there in August. It's really hard to teach her, but the Spirit is soooo strong. Every time. Last time we cried, because the Spirit is so strong and I can understand a little bit! I'm trying! Spanish is hard! But yeah she is amazing. She can't get baptized here because she lives with her boyfriend. She doesn't have the money to move, so she is saving the money to go back to the DR (= Dominican Republic) and she will get baptized there and her family as well (that's what she says haha). 
I tried coconutwater and it is gross!!!!. 

We have a lot of people we contacted who turned into investigators, so we had 34 lessons this week!! Soooo awesome! I love teaching and talking about God! We had 5 investigators in church!! Our investigator on date, came to church for the first time! She loved it! We also had a girl (10 years old). It's just so great! All the people we contact. I'd love to tell everything but I can't sorry! 

Finally I can send pictures!!!! Yeaaaah

Oh I learned a lot about temples and families this week. I thought of my family a lot and I studied it, because we have zone conference about temples and we have to prepare for that. I know families can be together forever.
To my family:
I love you so so so much. Being here on my mission, I just appreciate you more. I'm happy that God sent me to you. I'm sooo grateful that I can spend the rest of eternity with you! Esme, Debby, Jonathan, Mama, Papa, Opa, Oma, Borkan, Ooms en tantes, Ik hou zoveel van jullie! Is het niet geweldig dat we voor altijd bij elkaar kunnen zijn?!

To all my friends: I love you! You are a great example to me! Have a great week! 

Lots of love,
Zuster Spijkerman



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