zondag 28 mei 2017

Mission life #11

Maandag 15 mei 2017

Hi everyone!
Sooo... I am finally here! In Suriname! When I came of the place I felt home. I felt that this is where I am called to be. That was an amazing experience. Suriname feels like my 2nd home, it really does.

So my companions are Zuster Hendricks (Washington) and Zuster Bokai (Kiribes or something, Marshall Islands). They are the funniest and sweetest. When I met them I felt so welcome. They made brownies and the next morning pancakes. So they were really sweet. The money here is so weird. $1 US = $7,5 SRD. So everything is pretty cheap here. Super nice! 

The weather is crazy! It is raining season so it rains super hard. Because roads aren't the best here - there are holes everywhere - the water is gathering in the holes. So there was pretty much an ocean. We had to bike through it. I made the best comment ever (sorry need to work on humbleness still..). I said: "Maybe we should call Moses?!" Sorry I think it is funny. But yeah puddles everywhere. BUt we have really good bikes so that is great! I love my bike. But I had a flat tire like the first day.. Stupid deep puddles.. So it is wet, but it is also really hot. Or actually it is not as hot as I expected it to be. Yes I'm sweating yes it is pretty warm, but I'm not dying. It is nice warm. There is a nice wind/breeze sorry I don't know...). So it is pretty good actually! I like it so far. I'm getting a tan already, so that makes me happy. 

Funny things:
  • Someone pretty much proposed to me on the airport in Trinidad haha.
  • We waren op zoek naar een less active oh that's Dutch. We were looking for a less active. Zr Bokai wrote down number 98 so we were looking for that. Eventually we called him and it turned out he didn't have time. We were biking (THROUGH HUGE PUDDLES TRYING NOT TO GET STUCK) and a car pulled over. Turned out to be his brother. He told us he lived on number 89... yeah it was funny.
  • We biked to a potential, but she wasn't home. We were at the point of leaving. There it was... A monkey! The overbuurvrouw (neighbor ish) said that the potential wasn't home. But she had a monkey as well, so she invited us to come and look at her monkey. So we went to her house, admired her super cute monkey and of course shared a message. We got her number and we gave her a pamflet. She was really awesome!
  • For language study, I'm studying Spanish haha. Oh my... I have a lot to learn.
Spiritual things:
  • We teach a lot here. 10 lessons on one day sometimes. It is awesome. I love teaching. Especially in Dutch! :) 
  • Investigator oma. She is awesome. SHe goes to church every week, reads and studies the book of Mormon and takes notes while reading it. She is so awesome.
  • People here believe in Jesus Christ. We met a guy on the door and he told us he was an addict. But because of Jesus he isn't anymore. He lost pretty much everything, because his house burned down (?). His house was gone and his family as well. But nevertheless he has that faith in Jesus Christ. We gave him a pamflet. I don't know if he wants to meet with us, but it really touched my heart. 
  • 2 disabled investigators. I feel the Savior's love for them. It was amazing to see their faith in Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father.
So time is up. But I know I'm where I'm supposed to be. I feel my Savior's love for me, for His children, for Heavenly Father's children. I know this gospel is true. The book of Mormon is true. Every day I am so excited to read and study in it. Stay strong whereever you may be! I love you all!

Lots of love,
Zuster Spijkerman

Ps: this computer is stupid so I can't send pictures... Sowwy still love you.

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